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Allison Senkarik, wife of a U.S. Army Wounded Veteran, volunteers at the Newberry Food Distribution event. (Photo special to Alachua County Today)

NEWBERRY – Over 700 people were provided free food in Newberry on Saturday, Oct. 1. The Newberry American Legion Post #149, located at 26821 West Newberry Rd., hosted a Food Distribution Event from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., made possible by county and state support.

A Christian Adventure Network named 10 CAN, Inc., which focuses on rehabilitating and improving fitness of veterans and military families through nature, held a soft launch of their program “Operation Farm2Health,” also known as OF2H. The program would be a way to combat poverty while healing wounded veterans.

“Horticulture therapy is one of the most effective rehabilitative tools available for individuals with psychological wounds,” said Matthew Burke, Post #149 Commander and Founder of 10 CAN. “Teaching impoverished families how to grow their own food is a vital part of fighting poverty. While it is important to provide free food to families in need, doing so without a lesson plan is counterproductive,” he said.

Newberry Mayor Bill Conrad worked with Farm Share to set up the food distribution event. Farm Share was present with around 15 volunteers from the Jacksonville area.

“We have partnered with other organizations like Relay 4 Life and March for Dimes in the past,” Conrad said. “When I heard about it [Farm Share], I realized other cities in Alachua County had been taking part in this type of program and we wanted to be involved to benefit our citizens as well,” he said. “We knew we needed about 30 volunteers and a forklift when we took on this project. Fortunately, we had both.”

Farm Share uses inmate labor and volunteers to re-sort and package an abundance of surplus food and distribute it to individuals, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, churches and other organizations feeding the hungry in Florida —       free of charge, according to their website at farmshare.org.

“We expected around 500 individuals to show with around 50 volunteers,” Burke said. “Both expectations were exceeded.”

The event was open to everyone in and around the community, with families from all around the tri-county area showing up.

The American Legion, Farm Share, Blessed Hope Foundation, City of Newberry and 10 CAN, Inc. all worked together to host this event. In addition to Mayor Conrad, Newberry City Commissioners Jordan Marlowe and Ricky Coleman and City Manager Mike New were all part of this process. Newberry's Lions Club, Christian Life Fellowship Church, Compelling Family Outreach Ministry, Get Fit Gainesville and other volunteers and sponsors also helped make this event a success.

“I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the community working together,” Burke said. “Many patrons who came to get food were low-income families.”

OF2H was introduced at the event, “but cannot go forward without funding from the city,” said Burke.

The OF2H program would teach 50 underprivileged families how to grow sustainable food throughout the year through local University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) workshops . They would also construct 30 residential raised garden beds for disabled individuals, two community gardens, a serenity maze and a children’s garden at the Newberry American Legion.

“Let us not focus on what we cannot do, but rather what we can do,” Burke said. “This is how we empower disabled individuals to be effective members of a community.”

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The Pink Heals tour vehicle at the High Springs event for Breast Cancer Awareness which was held on Oct. 11 in downtown High Springs. Dave Graybill, the founder of the Pink Heals foundation stands in front of the tour bus and merchandise table that riases funds for local charities and to cover the cost of the tour. Any profit from sales goes directly to the community. (Today photo/RAY CARSON)

HIGH SPRINGS – During their lifetime, one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. It is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among women. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, it is estimated that over 246,660 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 40,000 will die every year. On average, every two minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer and one woman will die of breast cancer every 13 minutes. Although rare, the disease does affect men as well. Each year about 2,600 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and approximately 440 will die.

But there is hope, early detection and diagnosis greatly improves a woman's chance of treatment and survival. There are over 2.8 million survivors in the United States and continued research into the disease is improving those chances. These facts are why October has been designated as National Breast Cancer Awareness month. If people are aware of the symptoms and the need for regular medical checkups, the chance survival increases. In addition, events held by organizations to raise money keep research going to find a permanent cure for the disease.

Both the towns of Alachua and High Springs are actively involved in raising the awareness during the month. The official color for Breast Cancer Awareness is pink, and support by individuals is often shown by wearing a small pink ribbon. The City of Alachua has issued a proclamation designating the month as Breast Cancer Awareness month and has asked all city employees to wear pink during the month. They also have decorated city vehicles and asked other local businesses to participate.

In downtown High Springs, there was an event held on Oct. 11 featuring all pink vehicles from the Pink Heals Foundation. The High Springs Fire and Police departments also participated by adding their vehicles and staff to the event.

The Great Outdoors Restaurant provided free pink cookies and cake baked by their desserts chef, Jean Ledew. Each month she makes a different specialty desert for the restaurant, and October is always a pink cake to celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Money from the cake sales in October are donated for breast cancer research. Last October the restaurant raised over $3,000.

For Ledew, known as Aunt Jean, this is a personal matter as well. She is a stage 4 breast cancer survivor who endured a double mastectomy, 31 radiation treatments and several additional surgeries to beat the disease. Two weeks ago she had to have additional emergency surgery, but when asked to participate in the event she did not hesitate, despite stitches and pain from the surgery.

The Pink Heals Organization tours the country with over 150 pink vehicles including fire trucks, police cars, ambulances and buses. Based all on volunteers, the tour takes 180 days in 180 cities. This year it started in Phoenix, Arizona, and will end in Jacksonville, Florida. Next June it will start in Jacksonville and reverse the tour, ending in Phoenix.

The purpose of the organization is to provide city leaders and local businesses with a nonprofit program that supports people, not causes, does home visits to patients and maintains fund raising dollars locally in support of women and their families. The vehicles are brought to the different cities as an event for the public and to create charity chapters within each local community to help raise money for awareness and treatment of diseases. Although based around breast cancer the organization tries to raise funds for a number of diseases and create charity services within the community, especially for women.

The organization is the brain child of Dave Graybill, a former pro baseball player with the Montreal Expos, Seattle Mariners and California Angels. After retiring from baseball, he became a firefighter. In 2007, he decided to raise awareness for health issues and purchased a fire truck, painted it pink and used his vacation to drive around the country to promote raising money within the local communities.

“I wanted to create local nonprofits where the money stayed in the community. National charities raise money in communities but take the funds out of the community to the main organization, where much of the funds are used for administration cost and not to benefit the communities that the money came from,” Graybill said. “I wanted to create local organizations where the money could be used to focus on the people within that community and their specific needs.”

Graybill works with local governments and first responders to organize the community events. “This also helps create a stronger bond between the officials and the people in the community,” he said.

The Pink Heals tour is funded by sales of merchandise and clothing supporting breasts cancer awareness. This keeps the vehicles running and cover expenses, but not for profit. All drivers and staff, including Graybill, are unpaid volunteers

“We make sure that 100 percent of the funds raised at these events stay in the community to help the people of that community. This is a program that brings people together, based on the love of women and their families. We also provide home visits to show individuals that they are loved, cherished and important to others. Our organization brings back the human element by celebrating people, not causes.” Graybill added.

More information about the program can be found at www.pinkfiretrucks.org

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Jill Yorke Equizel (center) displays her paintings at the Thornebrook arts festival. The High Springs artist engaged interested festival goers who stopped at her booth over the weekend. (Today photo/RAY CARSON)

GAINESVILLE – After a long hot summer, area temperatures began to cool down this past weekend, just in time for the 32nd Annual Arts festival at Thornebrook.

Featuring 123 artists and 13 musical acts, the event is considered one of the top area art festivals. The Thornebrook festival was originally established as a showcase of local artist who were members of the Gainesville Fine Arts Association, working in cooperation with the merchants in the Thornebrooke Village shopping center in northwest Gainesville. It provides the public with an art festival combined with various merchants and restaurants to provide all the amenities for a day out viewing art.

Unlike many festivals, which are laid out in straight lines along the street, Thornebrook offers a meandering set up through the shopping village for a more relaxed experience. As the festival grew in attendance and reputation, the organizers decided to take it to the next level and open it up to other artists from around the state that were not GFAA members. In 2003, the festival committee hired Lyn White to be the festival director. White had plenty of experience at organizing festivals. In 1982 she began directing the Gainesville Downtown Fall Arts Festival and ran in for seven years. But working full time and running the festival became too much to try to do both, and White retired as director in 1989. However, she continued to be involved in the Gainesville arts community.

White worked with the GFAA and the merchants to expand the show and provide more amenities for both the artist and the attendees.

“We wanted to create a festival that would appeal to a broad audience and draw good artists who would want to return each year,” White said. “We also wanted to keep the diversity in the artist wide enough to appeal to a variety of attendees and have them want to return each year to see new work.”

All artist applicants are reviewed and judged to gather a wide variety of styles from talented artists. The judging process attempts to limit the amount of any art form and chose different individual styles in each medium. Artist are picked from a wide variety of mediums including painting, ceramics, glass, fiber and textiles, photography, jewelry, drawing, mixed media and wood.

As an incentive to the artist, they also established cash prizes from ratings by judges. There are nine awards, ranging from a best of show prize of $500 and $150 awards of merit.

The winner of this year’s best of show prize went to Candace McCaffery for her quilt work. “With the rising cost of entrance fees, it can be hard for artists to make a profit at shows, so the cash prizes help encourage them to want to return”. White said.

The musical acts help round out the experience for the general public and encourage them to spend more time at the event and visit the merchants in the Thornebrook village.

“Each year gets a little better” White said. “You take what you learn and try to improve it every year to make it a better experience for everyone”.

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Incoming club president Tom Hewlett accepts the Kiwanian of the Year award from outgoing club president Cathy Sayers. (Photo special to Alachua County Today)

HIGH SPRINGS – Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe, with members in Alachua and High Springs, held an installation banquet recently to thank their existing officers and board members for their service, welcome new officers and board members and to honor three citizens for their work in this region. The banquet took place at the High Springs New Century Woman's Club on Thursday, Sept. 29.

At this year's Kiwanis Installation Dinner three people were recognized for their outstanding volunteerism in the High Springs/Alachua area. Alice Green presented the award to Lucille Gabriel saying, “She is a mainstay volunteer at the Community Outreach in High Springs. There are 1,300 families registered at this site and they serve 300 families per month. The month of September saw an increase as 48 new families registered. Ms. Gabriel along with Outreach director, Bella Diefenderfer, assist these families with food and clothing needs.”

Linda Hewlett commended Damon Messina, the Alachua Parks and Recreation Director, for his volunteerism saying, “Last year he directed both the baseball and softball World Series for kids. He also started a regional basketball league of over 50 teams that serves many children in the area. He also is in charge of special events for Alachua including Halloween and Fourth of July. He strives to make the sports facility accessible to all regardless of skills or finances. He also mentors several teens from Santa Fe High School.”

Ed Booth lauded the work of Pastor Sammy Nelson, Jr. who was unavailable at the time of the awards. “Sammy created a program for latch key kids, making sure they have food and get homework done, then focusing on other activities to develop proper interaction skills. He mentors many youth at his facility in downtown High Springs. He encourages children academically and spiritually to reach their potential.”

“We believe there are a lot of people in our area doing a lot of good for our citizens,” said Tom Weller, Incoming Vice President. “They don't always get the recognition they deserve so we thought this banquet might be a good time to honor their efforts,” he said.

“We had a slate of nine or 10 nominees to choose from for this year's presentations,” said Linda Hewlett, club secretary. “It was really interesting delving into what each person really does that people may not know about,” she said.

Incoming officers and board members were installed by Lt. Governor Joe Flanagan from the Live Oak club. Incoming officers are Tom Hewlett, President, Casandra Davis, President-Elect, Tom Weller, Vice-President. Returning officers include Linda Hewlett, secretary and Sue Weller, treasurer.

Incoming board members also installed were Ed Booth, John Durr, Alice Green, Alvalyn Lancaster and John Manley.

Outgoing president Cathy Sayers recapped the year, talking about the various activities and fundraisers the club had been involved in. “Murder in Margarita Land,” a murder mystery dinner theater event, was a huge success. The club also renovated the gazebo at James Paul Park, behind High Springs City Hall and tutored third graders in reading and math at Alachua Elementary School.

“During the year, Sayers talked about raising sheep, which she loved to do,” said Linda Hewlett. “She also came in with a new hat and a story as to where it came from, or something interesting about the hat itself at each meeting. She told us she didn't want a plaque for her wall when she stepped down, so instead we gave her a new hat, made out of wool and had it embroidered locally. We included a sheep mug as well. It was all great fun,” Hewlett said.

“In honor of Sayers service to our club, everyone showed up wearing a hat to wish her well,” said Weller.

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Youngsters are already taking advantage of the expanded space and computing power at the High Springs Branch Library.  (Photo special to Alachua County Today)

HIGH SPRINGSToday’s public libraries are more than just shelves overflowing with books. Not only does the library of the 21st Century offer access to online resources unavailable to some community members, libraries help build and maintain strong community connections. In High Springs, area residents have reason to celebrate as the High Springs Branch Library has undergone a major expansion.

On Saturday morning, Sept. 24, High Springs city and Alachua County commissioners showed up for the High Springs Branch Library for celebration of the expansion/renovation with a ribbon-cutting ceremony

Speakers included High Springs Mayor Byran Williams, who spoke about the increased value to the community of the expansion, Shaney Livingston, Library Director, Alachua County Library District, Lee Pinkoson, Chair, Alachua County Library District Governing Board, and Susan Sonsini, Chair Alachua County Library District Board of Trustees.

“It was a real pleasure to see children using the early learning computers, teens gravitating to spaces and programs designed for them, crafters visiting the expanded crafting area, etc.,” said Nickie Kortus, Alachua County Library District Marketing and Public Relations Manager. Kortus estimates 50-75 people attended the library branch's grand opening. “People trickled in throughout the day,” she said.

The expansion creates a total of 8,200 sq. ft. of space designed to meet the needs of the growing community. In addition, the space now features a new children’s area, two study rooms, a quiet reading room and a larger community meeting room.

Despite all the work involved in adding 3,200 sq. ft. to the library structure, the library branch remained open throughout construction. “The building was only closed a few hours one day due to the laying of the carpet,” said Kortus.

An over-sized ceremonial donation check provided by the Alachua County Library District Foundation was presented to pay for the Snuggle Up Center and teen space. The quiet reading room was funded by the Friends of the Library.

On the outside of the building an expanded parking lot was created to make room for more visitors. “As many state-of-the-art energy efficient improvements as possible were added to the structure to help maintain lower operating expenses,” said Kortus.

The celebratory reception was held in the large meeting room. Two large sheet cakes were provided by Friends of the High Springs Library and other refreshments were provided by the GFWC High Springs New Century Woman's Club. Thompson's Flower Shop provided flowers and decorations for the well-attended event.

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L-R: Bell Diefenderfer, Director, Community Outreach, peers into bags and goes over items along with volunteers and buyers.Today photo/C.M. WALKER

HIGH SPRINGS – On one of the most beautiful Saturdays in recent memory, High Springs residents got together to sell items they no longer needed to those who now need them.

Blue skies and cooler temperatures not only brought people to the High Springs City Hall parking area for the High Springs Chamber of Commerce-sponsored main sale, but also to the GFWC New Century Woman's Club, next door.

St. Madeleine's Community Outreach, just a couple of blocks away, also joined into the yard sale fun by putting out excess clothing, books, toys and other items that had been donated to the organization. “There's only so much room in our facility,” said one volunteer about the barrack-like structure they work out of.

In addition to the usual items one might find at a yard sale, a like-new dishwasher, a small rice cooker, a fountain, furniture and many other useful items were available. At one point the Woman's Club items, which were priced very low to begin with, were dropped to half price. “We have to move these items,” said Carole Tate, GFWC Woman's Club President.

In addition to yard sale items, the Woman's Club, which held their yard sale inside their air conditioned clubhouse, had hot dogs, soft drinks, bottled water and a sumptuous array of yummy baked items for sale.

Kids on skates were seen at each of the venues, picking over the items for what they coveted most.

Bell Diefenderfer, Director, Community Outreach, was seen peering into bags and going over items along with some of the volunteers and buyers. “Until you get everything out on the table, you don't always know what you have,” said one visitor.

One lady was going through stuffed toys to find ones to donate to the residents at Plantation Oaks Senior Living Facility. A little girl used her money wisely to buy a large box of various colored chalks.

Two women held up an interestingly designed blanket, which one of them ultimately purchased.

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Newberry High School Criminal Justice Academy students unpacking some of the $1.2 million worth of inventory from Plalanx. (Photo special to Alachua County Today)

NEWBERRY – New law enforcement duty gear was recently donated to an area high school to be used as part of their law enforcement career magnet program, which was founded in 1996. On Monday, Sept. 26, 30 Newberry High School students and staff off-loaded a truckload of new equipment which was donated by Phalanx Defense Systems CEO James Coats to the school's Academy of Criminal Justice (ACJ) program.

“Phalanx is a Gainesville-based company that produces body armor and equipment for the military and law enforcement,” said Patrick Treese, ACJ Director.

Some of the equipment will be used by students in the program, some will be made available for sale to help fund the purchase of a new patrol vehicle for the program, which currently boasts 150 students, 93 females and 57 males. “We need a vehicle similar to an F-150 that is large enough to transport students, 7-month-old German Shepherd K-9 Kora and equipment,” said Treese.

The ACJ program enrolls high school students from all over Alachua County who are interested in law, law enforcement, forensics and related fields.

“We are very grateful for James Coats' generous donation to our program,” he said.

Treese, who is in his eighth year as ACJ director, is also a reserve police officer at the High Springs Police Department.

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