HIGH SPRINGS – How thrilled would any child be to get a FaceTime visit from one of their favorite miniature therapy horses? That’s exactly what’s happening all around the nation as Mr. Jorge and various Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy Horses drop in for a visit and a story.

With the nation in quarantine, the Gentle Carousel Mini Horses and their caretakers, Jorge and Debbie Garcia-Bengochea, have found ways to help cheer up children and adults in hospitals and rehabilitation centers around the country.

Therapy Horses Practice Social Distancing

“Normally, the charity would be visiting with people one-on-one and preparing for the library programs we do every year,” said Debbie. Since the couple and the therapy horses are observing social distancing along with the rest of the world, they have found innovative ways to continue the therapy program using social media.

In some cases, children have met the therapy horses at a Ronald McDonald House or hospital.  When they return to their home states, the couple and the horses can follow up with them. If they have met a specific horse somewhere, Debbie and Jorge try to have that horse check in with the child via FaceTime.

“People ask us if we’re bored since we can’t leave the farm and volunteers can't come over,” Debbie said. “Far from it. We’re just as busy as ever talking to children using FaceTime in our living room along with the horses.”

In addition, Jorge has been calling some of their long-time supporters and friends just to keep in touch with those he can’t FaceTime.

The organization has about a million social media followers. “Some people are so excited about the telephone calls they post about them on their Facebook pages,” Debbie said. When he calls, they tell him their story. Everyone is facing challenges right now. They get so excited that they call their friends and say, “The real Jorge just called me.”

The couple, other volunteers and the horses returned from New York City just four weeks ago.  They were visiting hospitals and also were at the Javits Convention Center (now a hospital) doing a large international toy festival along with NBC Universal Disney.

“This was a toy fair, which was not open to the public,” said Debbie. The event was open to distributors from all around the world. Children from Make-A-Wish® Foundation as well as terminally ill adults were allowed to attend the event and meet the horses.

As it is unlikely the quarantine will be lifted in time for the charity's normal library visits, they are videotaping “StoryTime on the Farm with Mr. Jorge.”

Jorge will be reading stories that include different horses that usually go to the libraries to visit with the children. “We will have videos of the horses doing some of the things that are included in the story being read to the children,” said Debbie. “It should be really fun for us and for the children,” she said.

The couple is also doing videos for children on things they can do at home…the types of things kids can tune into and enjoy. “We hope that will make their time at home more enjoyable,” said. Debbie.

Major Fundraisers Cancelled

On the down side, the two biggest fundraisers of the year had to be cancelled this year. The 501(c)(3) non-profit organization relies on fundraisers to pay for the work they do. “We don’t charge for our visits,” Debbie said. The Magical Gala, which is usually held at the end of March, was cancelled. In addition, a big Walkathon, which is scheduled for the end of April, has been severely curtailed.

The event is scheduled for the McKethan Brothers Training Center just north of Ocala, the training track used to train Triple Crown winner American Pharaoh. Although the event hasn’t been totally cancelled, it has been so severely downsized as to be a totally different event than was originally planned. Instead of stands full of people, kids who were planning to set up their own lemonade stands, additional horse riders and horse drawn carriages and lots more, there will be two horses walking around the track.

The event will be available for the public to see online, but not in person.  Folks can watch it from home on Facebook. Miniature Therapy Horse Scout, weighing in at no more than 100 lbs., will be walking the track with a 2,000 lb. Percheron named Tiny Prince Charming.

Help by Sponsoring Virtual Walkathon

“If people want to sponsor one of the horses for walking around the track, that would be great,” said Debbie. “People were excited about coming to this event, but social distancing has changed all that.” The horses will begin at the starting gate and go one lap around the track.

The couple is working alone right now. Volunteers are quarantined as well so the couple is busy feeding, grooming and taking care of the horses and other animals on their farm. “Expenses keep on coming. The horses need to be insured, fed and receive the same medical attention as any other time as do the livestock guardian dogs that protect the horses,” said Debbie. “We had counted on the two large fundraisers to help the charity financially, but that’s not going to happen this year,” she said.

Even though these are challenging times, the couple says they are going to continue to look at the positive ways they can send their love out to people. “We are always looking for creative ways to stay positive and send positive care out into the world,” said Debbie.

One item currently in the works is the possibility of the Ryan Seacrest Foundation, another non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to inspiring today’s youth through entertainment and education-focused initiative, running the Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy Horses videos and live feed from the farm in their 10 studios located in various hospitals. The horses have visited the studios in person many times over the years.

“We’re still in the talking stages,” said Debbie, “but if it happens, hundreds of children will be able to see the horses and hear Jorge read them stories while they are in the hospital. How wonderful would that be?”

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HIGH SPRINGS/ALACHUA – My profession over the years has allowed me to interact with some incredible individuals, many whom I now consider friends and family. Whether putting on an event, conducting tournaments, scheduling games and practices, composing rosters, prepping fields, coordinating with different organizations or partnering with various vendors, it requires an abundance of communication with our local participants, coaches, volunteers, officials, merchants and staff.

I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some amazing people from all walks of life and established relationships with several of them. I call them movers and shakers in their own right.

Due to the unfortunate situation we are currently facing in COVID–19, the phone calls and emails continue to stay active, but the discussions are now based on hypotheticals and scenarios. Many consist of trying to figure out the unknown that awaits us—what can we do immediately afterward and talking about creative ways they are keeping themselves and their kids active.

I can understand how this may bother some people. However, I find it gratifying and wouldn’t want it any other way. These are the incredible individuals who, for seasons, months and years, produce hours upon hours of service throughout our communities. They are the coaches taking precious time out of their busy schedules to teach our children how to dribble a soccer ball, serve a volleyball and hit the baseball/softball.

These are the parents who sacrifice their time from watching their own child’s game to work concessions for the benefit of their organization. These are the umpires and referees who get paid very little and truly enjoy seeing kids participate in a game they deeply love. These are local business owners who generously donate money from their own blood, sweat, and tears for individual scholarships and team sponsorships.

It’s because of them I get a front row seat and witness the positive impact they make in our communities.

Instead of posting what others are doing during isolation throughout the country to stay active during these unusual times, we should look within.

Perhaps reach out and ask these individuals for their advice. They are the ones who continue to put themselves out there, right? They have a pulse on the community and typically generate fresh ideas. They are the heartbeats involved in our local service organizations. These are the people who not only think of creative ways on the ball fields, volleyball courts and ball diamonds, they are the ones doing the same at home with their families.

Give them a call and ask. I promise they are willing to sacrifice their time for the betterment of others. They have been doing it way before the current situation. I assure you they all share the same passion for their communities.

These are not only the movers and shakers; they are also our very own leaders and mentors. This time shall pass, and when it does, these are the ones who will make the moves, shake things up and discover inventive ways to bring back some normality into our lives. Until then, we can look to them to help us through this.

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 ALACHUA COUNTY – Alachua County is informing residents of two recently enacted orders intended to help and protect the community during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency.

Office of the Governor Executive Order Number 20-94 (Emergency Management - COVID-19 - Mortgage Foreclosure and Eviction Relief)

This order provides a 45-day suspension of eviction actions for mortgage foreclosures and non-payment of rent. From the Order:

WHEREAS, I find that providing targeted, temporary relief to Floridians with residential tenancies is in the best interest of the state and its people; and

WHEREAS, as Governor, I am responsible for meeting the dangers presented to this state and its people by this emergency.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, RON DESANTIS, as Governor of Florida, by virtue of the authority vested in me by Article IV, Section (1)(a) of the Florida Constitution, Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, and all other applicable laws, promulgate the following Executive Order to take immediate effect:

Section 1. I hereby suspend and toll any statute providing for a mortgage foreclosure cause of action under Florida law for 45 days from the date of this Executive Order, including any extensions.

Section 2. I hereby suspend and toll any statute providing for an eviction cause of action under Florida law solely as it relates to non-payment of rent by residential tenants due to the COVID-19 emergency for 45 days from the date of this Executive Order, including any extensions.

Section 3. Nothing in this Executive Order shall be construed as relieving an individual from their obligation to make mortgage payments or rent payments.

Read the full Executive Order

Alachua County Emergency Order protects employees right to wear their own Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

No private employer or owner of a business in Alachua County shall prevent an employee or member of the public from wearing their PPE of choice while on their premises in Alachua County or during the performance of their job duties until commercially manufactured PPE becomes widely available. However, the business owner or their representative is not required to allow the use of any PPE which is obscene or contains a message that is not appropriate.

Click to read the full order.

For more information, contact Alachua County Communications Director Mark Sexton at 352-264-6979 or msexton@alachuacounty.us.

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ALACHUA COUNTY ‒ The COVID-19 virus has changed our way of life. The new designation of “social distancing” means less human contact and at least temporary end to gatherings of groups of people that have left 20 percent of the world's population quarantined in their homes. Nightlife, entertainment events and socializing in bars and restaurants are all gone.

This has put many people out of work who cannot afford to not have income. Restaurant and bar employees are laid off. Concerts and art events are on hold. One of the hardest hit groups are musicians. All their income is based on performing, and with no crowds to attend, there is no place to play. Many are self-employed and the cancellation of all performances means no income. It did not just affect musicians as everyone working in the live entertainment industry has seen their jobs instantly disappear.

David Bayne Trull is a Florida musician, promoter and creative director with a long resume in the industry. When the virus hit, he lost his job with the social media app “SocialLadder” and saw his music gigs and festival promotions all disappear in a matter of days. Through this network he saw it happen to every musician and concert promoter he knew and felt there had to be a way to create an online platform for fans and artists to thrive once again in this new age of social distancing.

Music is an intregal part of many people’s lives as is social interaction and dancing. Working with Jameson Shelnut, his partner at “Unitea Music!” social music community app company, they decided to try a two to three weeklong online streaming concert that could support Florida musicians and give fans a place to share the love for music and arts from the comfort of our home sofas.

Working with musicians, festival promoters, music venues and independent record companies, they designed a monthlong concert series featuring over 80 bands that could be livestreamed on the internet.

"Save The Scene Virtual Music & Arts Festival is a cumulative partnership constructed of love and passion for the Florida music and arts community,” noted Trull. “Friendships and partnerships have brought together the most eclectic and diverse virtual music festival in the world. Our goal is to create an everlasting dancefloor and overcome the COVID pandemic that has rattled our beloved culture. By tuning in and supporting Florida’s scene we will keep the party alive for generations.”

The event will feature four music acts daily between 6 and 10 p.m. and each evening will be sponsored by a venue, which will help contribute to the costs of the event. Everyone involved is donating their time for this not for profit event. Fans can tune into the show via the website app, which not only will keep a count of viewers, but also offer a chance for them to contribute money for that particular band to replace lost income.

Viewers can also comment on the bands and be eligible for prizes like t-shirts or band memorabillia, which will be paid for by the concert promoters.The evening sponsors will will also offer prizes such as a free drink or concert tickets when their venue re-opens. All proceeds from the event will be donated to a reputable charity and will help each artist continue their path of chasing their dreams.

The Save The Scene Virtual Music & Arts Festival is the largest music streaming event to be done to date. It will have a diverse and eclectic lineup, featuring 80 or more of Floridas most promising and upcoming artists in a variety of musical styles. This livestreamed virtual concert will run from April 3 - April 20, with four-hour nights from 6 p.m. – 10 p.m. EST via its Youtube channel and website, www.SaveTheScene.Live.

Save the Scene is looking to give back to the local community and regional artists due to the coronavirus by providing a platform for fans to donate and support. Fans will be able to watch and support their favorite artists via donation links that will appear nightly on the website and streaming channels.

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ALACHUA - For up-to-date information about COVID-19 Testing & Information, Resident Resources, Business Resources, Florida Department of Health, Centers For Disease Control & Prevention, and a message from our Mayor, Gib Coerper, visit www.cityofalachua.com

The City of Alachua continues to monitor and take necessary precautions related to COVID-19, consistent with the recommendations and mandates of Federal and State agencies.

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ALACHUA – Alachua resident Ellen Cecil, a volunteer worker in Peru, found herself and her group of other United States-based volunteers, stranded in Peru at the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus.

Peruvian President Martín Vizcarra closed his country’s borders in an attempt to slow the Coronavirus contagion. When the international flights were abruptly cancelled, Cecil was at the Lima Airport already boarded on a plane that was to take her back to the U.S. She and the rest of the passengers were deplaned.

Several weeks ago, when Cecil entered the country, Peru had a normal travel advisory. Due to the threat of the Coronavirus, Peruvian officials shut the country down and no one was allowed on the roads except military personnel and police.

A few members of the group went to the U.S. Embassy where they showed a video and appealed to Embassy staff to help them get back home. Apparently, that attempt proved fruitless. The group was stopped twice by the police as they attempted to reach the U.S. Embassy.

After returning from the Embassy, police separated the Americans and sent each to their own room at their hotel. Police were stationed outside each of their doors so the group could not communicate with each other.

In an attempt to get assistance from the U.S. government, Cecil talked with a staffer from Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s office. Her understanding from that communication was that they would have to work with the Peruvian government to allow a “humanitarian” flight into the country so U.S. citizens could return home.

Americans in Peru were told the border had been closed “permanently” to avoid the spread of Covid-19. However, with pressure from the U.S., four flights from Peru were scheduled to fly into Miami before the final lockdown.

Although all four planes had been boarded by American citizens, three of those flights were cancelled at the last minute. Due to communication directly with the mayor of Lima, Cecil and 23 other Americans were provided papers and an escort to the airport and were allowed to leave on the one flight that had not been cancelled. The group has since arrived at the Miami Airport. Cecil, who is the only Floridian in the group, is now at home in Alachua and is in quarantine for the next two weeks.

It is estimated that approximately 1,500 – 2,000 Americans may still be in Peru. It is doubtful any of them will be allowed to return home until the threat of the Covid-19 virus has passed and the Peruvian president reopens the borders.

Cecil is thankful to the many people who worked to help get her and the other American citizens in her group back home. She thanked Congressman Ted Yoho, the U.S. Embassy in Peru, the State Department, Mayor Jorge Muñoz Wells of Lima, Peru, Louisa Barton of the Ocala/Marion County Chamber and Economic Partnership and last, but not least, Mayor Kent Guinn of Ocala. "I am very grateful to Mayor Kent Guinn and all of the people he worked with who helped me come home from Peru," Cecil said.

“I was happy to work on this issue,” said Guinn. “I was also honored that I was called to assist. Also, a huge ‘thank you’ to Debbie Garcia- Bengochea who was my link to Ellen. Thanks also to the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition whose advisory board I serve on. They were such a great resource.

“And a huge thank you, Ms Para, Scarrow and Porter at the U.S Department of State who I was in constant contact with. Also, a thank you to the U.S. Embassy in Lima, Peru, whose staff were making things happen on the ground. Lastly, thank you to the mayor of Lima, Jorge Muñoz Wells, who cleared the way for safe transport with a police escort from the hotel to the airport. It was truly a team effort. [I am] so happy Ellen has returned safe and sound. God Bless the USA. Mission Accomplished."

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ALACHUA – Alachua based Ology Bioservices Inc., a biologics contract development and manufacturing organization and Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc., have announced that the Department of Defense (DOD) has awarded Ology Bioservices with a contract valued at $11.9 million to work with Inovio on DNA technology transfer to rapidly manufacture DNA vaccines. This work is supported by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs with funding from the Defense Health Agency.

“Given the current global health crisis, prophylaxis/vaccine development is critical to defend against the coronavirus disease 2019”

Under this program, Ology Bioservices will work with Inovio Pharmaceuticals to manufacture Inovio’s DNA vaccine (INO-4800) for prevention of infection with the COVID-19 virus. The aim of the program is to rapidly and efficiently deliver the vaccine to the DoD for upcoming clinical trials.

Peter H. Khoury, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of Ology Bioservices, noted, “We are excited to be working with the DOD and Inovio to rapidly respond to this crisis. The Advanced Development and Manufacturing Facility operated by Ology Bioservices was designed to respond to just such emergencies as we are now experiencing, and we are proud to be part of this effort to protect the U.S. warfighter and the nation.”

  1. Joseph Kim, Ph.D., Inovio’s President and CEO, said, “Along with advancing INO-4800 through clinical studies as rapidly as possible, Inovio’s goal is to scale up the manufacturing of this vaccine for future studies and for potential emergency use, if appropriate.

“Powered by the U.S. Department of Defense support, Inovio is pleased to partner with Ology to enable rapid response manufacture of INO-4800 especially for the nation’s warfighters and other military personnel. This DOD-funded partnership is a testament to the importance and strength of public-private partnerships in meeting the challenges the world faces with the COVID-19 outbreak. This partnership increases Inovio’s manufacturing capabilities for our COVID vaccine and establishes an additional DNA vaccine manufacturing facility to protect the U.S. military against current and future disease outbreaks.”

"Given the current global health crisis, prophylaxis/vaccine development is critical to defend against the coronavirus disease 2019,” said Douglas Bryce, Joint Program Executive Officer for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense. “We need several approaches to ensure we have a quick solution, and the medical countermeasures Advanced Development and Manufacturing Facility is poised to contribute to the race for a vaccine in coordination with our interagency partners like Health and Human Services, along with our partners in industry and academia.”

Matthew Hepburn, M.D., Joint Project Lead CBRN Defense Enabling Biotechnologies, stated, “We are sincerely optimistic about the partnership between Inovio and Ology Bioservices, in order to make doses of a vaccine that could potentially protect our military personnel. It is urgently needed.”

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