ALACHUA – The Alachua Lions Club is playing Santa Clause this holiday season, and it was shopping day this week.  

A special committee, armed with a Christmas list for five small children went shopping for a local single mother’s family.

The oldest is child is 8-years-old, and the youngest is 2-years-old.

The club asked a local school, Irby Elementary, to identify a family that is struggling to provide Christmas for their family.

“The whole goal of Alachua is to be the good life community," said John Hopkins, president of the Lions Club. “We want to spread that as wide as possible.”

The Lions Club will also be partnering with a local church to distribute wrapped toys to other needy families.

“We wish we could do it for every needy family,” Hopkins said.

Nevertheless, the Lions Club’s goal this season is to “bring a few smiles to faces,” he said.

“There is much to be thankful for, and we are happy to do what we can for those who are not so fortunate."

Mayor Gib Coerper of Alachua participated in the shopping on Tuesday, Dec. 10. Giving back to the community feels good, he said, and the Lions just want to make the community the best it can be.

“I see a wonderful tradition of 'Lionism' everywhere,” Coerper said.

There will be four or five Lions with the children when they unwrap their presents shortly before Christmas.

“It’s kind of like being Santa Clause, you know?” Hopkins said with a laugh.

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HAWTHORNE – Hawthorne Middle School and Hawthorne High School were evacuated Thursday morning, Dec. 5, following a bomb threat.

Students at­ the school were immediately led to the football stadium while the Alachua County Sheriff's Office (ACSO) searched the school for possible explosives.

The students waited in the football stadium until the deputies finished their search and then allowed students back into class. The schools reopened around 11:30 a.m., according to reports from the ACSO.

The county kept parents updated on the bomb threat through the Alachua County public schools website and the county’s Twitter account.

Many students were checked out after the school said that parents could take students home directly from the football stadium.

Notifications for the bomb threat were sent out immediately. Deputies later determined the bomb threat was a false alarm.

The updates on Twitter let parents know that school would still be in session on Friday.

Art Forgey, public information officer for Alachua County Sheriff's Office, was unavailable to comment on the bomb threat.

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CARL MCKINNEY/Alachua County Today

Mike Peterson, former footbal player for the Indianapolis Colts, the Jacksonville Jaquars and the Atlanta Falcons hands a Thanksgiving meal to Keesha Tigers. Every year, the Mike Peterson Foundation gives meals to needy families for Thanksgiving. This year, around 100 meals were given out on the Tuesday before the holiday at Hitchcock's in Alachua.

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ALACHUA – One morning, as Alachua resident Linda Walker was spending time in her personal devotions and prayers to God, she began to write about things that were in her heart.

She remembered hearing a preacher say that if we make and keep appointments for different things, why not make an appointment to spend time with the Lord?

“Set aside some time in your life to spend quiet time with the Lord,” she said.

So she started doing just that. Walker began her prayer time with a bible and journal. She would read the Bible and then write her petitions to the Lord.

As she continued spending time with God, he communed with her. Thoughts came to her that she said were not hers. Usually, it would be a verse from scripture, a word of encouragement, a song or something to pray about.

“He also would let me know how much he loves me,” she said.

Being in the presence of the Lord is awesome, Walker said. As she sat quietly in his presence, he revealed to her that he was aware of everything that concerns her, that he is her father and has great love for her and that she is never alone.

“He wants you to know how much he loves you too,” she said.

Walker said the Lord had her write “Whispering Pines” to encourage others to make an appointment with the Heavenly Father.

“He is waiting to fellowship with you,” she said. “He has a great plan for your life and wants to guide you and keep you on the path prepared for you.”

We all need guidance and wisdom from the Lord every day of our lives, Walker said. He is there to help us. He is Emanuel, God with us.

Walker believes that as others read the inspired words from God in “Whispering Pines,” they will discover that God wants to reveal his heart of love to all and they will be filled with his love and peace and will know God in a more intimate way.

The book will be available Saturday, Dec. 21 at Hitchcock's in Alachua. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Walker will be there signing copies.

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CARL MCKINNEY/Alachua County Today

Stephanie Peek and Rebekah Murrey stand in front of the prize kayak. She donated it to the Irish Water Dogs to be used for the Warriors program.

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HIGH SPRINGS – Stephanie Peek won big, but she gave it away to help local veterans.

The High Springs group Irish Water Dogs was invited to participate in the Second Annual Toy Soldier Run on Saturday, Nov. 30 at Ginnie Springs. The event was mainly to raise money to buy toys for underprivileged children, but the Irish Water Dogs were there holding a raffle to raise money for their program for veterans in the area.

Sue Weller, former mayor of High Springs, called out the winners at the event. The Irish Water Dogs was one of three nonprofit groups invited by the North Florida Presidents Council of Motorcycle Clubs and Organizations, a sponsor for the event.  

The Irish Water Dogs Warriors program takes former service members on excursions into nature, particularly kayaking and canoeing trips.

“It’s peaceful for them,” said Peek, who is one of two owners of the True Blue Cafe in High Springs. The trips help veterans with psychological and physical damage from their service, she said.

Peek won an $800 kayak in the raffle, but donated it back to the Irish Water Dogs to be used for the Warriors program.

“We only have so many kayaks,” said Karen McInerney, community outreach director for the Irish Water Dogs Warriors. When a large group of veterans go out, sometimes the organization has to pay several hundred dollars to rent extra kayaks.

David Marquis also came out a winner in the raffle, securing a new Tactical Solutions custom rifle, with a green barrel and the Irish Water Dogs logo.

Local gun shop owner Scott Allison donated the use of his firearm license, since firearms can only be delivered to a license-holder.

“Without Scott, we wouldn’t have had a raffle,” McInerney said.

All proceeds of the raffle went to support the Warriors program.

Peek entered the raffle with her business partner and friend Rebekah Murrey, both supporters of the Warriors program, they said.

Irish Water Dogs founder David McDaid started the organization about seven years ago as a commercial venture, but decided to use his network to help veterans. He started the nonprofit Warriors division in Jacksonville, which soon expanded to Tampa, Miami, South Carolina, Virginia and Idaho. There are now 16 chapters spread across nine states. Each month, around 1,100 to 1,200 veterans go on the nature activities nationwide.

Former military members suffering from PTSD, for example, can benefit from the therapeutic nature of the trips, he said.

“Being on the water is incredibly healing,” McDaid said in an earlier interview. “I’ve seen miracle transformations with this program.”

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CARL MCKINNEY/Alachua County Today

Wanda Boyd, "Ms. Green and Gold," smiles as she rides down Main Street. She was crowned the night before the parade at Paradise Methodist Church.

ALACHUA – There was a buzz on the streets of downtown Alachua on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 30.

The Hornet alumni of A.L. Mebane High School came together to celebrate their school in unity at the A.L. Mebane High School Reunion parade, which started at noon and lasted about an hour.

“This is something that we look forward to each and every year,” said Hilda Mulberry, an onlooker at the parade.

The alumni of Mebane High School, their families and members of the black community lined the sidewalks of Bob Hitchcock’s Main Street in Alachua to celebrate the rich history of the former all-black institution, which was desegregated in 1971.

“They’re trying to make it better every year,” said Orian Lumpkin, a 1961 Mebane High School graduate.

The event began at noon, but the crowd had arrived well before the start of the parade. Former classmates, current students and their teachers gathered together to share stories and reminisce.

Some of those in attendance leaned against the walls of local businesses or simply sat on the street’s curb, while others leisurely relaxed in the lawn chairs they had brought from their homes to enjoy the show.

Byran Williams, the newly chosen mayor of High Springs, believes that this year’s reunion turnout, although still abundant with attendees, was slightly down from previous years. The reason might have been the annual football game held between the University of Florida Gators and their rivals, the Florida State Seminoles, which was played in Gainesville during the parade.

“A lot of people stayed at home to watch the game,” said Mayor Williams, who said he was still happy with the turnout.

The Mebane Hornets football team, a former football powerhouse itself, according to Lumpkin and Williams, went undefeated in 1964 while the school was still segregated. Many of those that attended schools in the area during that time proudly recalled their memories of that perfect season.

“Mebane High School has a rich history,” Mayor Williams said. “Mebane had one of the best football teams in the state of Florida.”

The parade, which lasted about an hour, seemed to be enjoyed by those young and old alike. Several Mebane graduates, riding on their class floats, threw candy to eager children who rushed to the streets to claim their sugary rewards.

The crowd came to life as the Ms. Alumni and Little Miss Alumni Pageant winners, Barbara White and Trinity Johnson, waived to the crowd. Both were crowned the previous evening at the Paradise United Methodist Church in Alachua.

Katie Jones became nostalgic as the floats carrying her former peers passed by.

It had been years since she attended the school, but being in the presence of so many familiar faces brought the past back to life.

“It’s been so long,” Jones said. “It brings back so many memories.”

Mayor Williams came close to having some memories to share with the crowd, but his life went in another direction. He expected to become a Mebane Hornet but was sent to Santa Fe High School instead, due to the desegregation of Florida schools, prior to his freshman year in 1972.

It took time for him to adjust to the new environment.

“There was a lot of tension,” Williams said. “It was quite a change.”

Williams was in eighth grade when Florida desegregated their public schools in 1971. Following the parade, he recalled how sudden that change was.

“To make that transition, it was a bit of a challenge,” Williams said. “They didn’t prepare us. We were never introduced to our new teachers or principals. We did not have counseling. No one let us know why this happened, why we had to integrate.”

Eventually the tensions eased and friendships formed when the students got to know one another.

“There was still racism, but the majority of us got along real well,” he said.

The A.L. Mebane High School Reunion provided a forum for members of the African-American community of Alachua to come together to remember their struggle for equality in the past and to celebrate their present and future.

“The parade shows the unity of our culture,” said Ulysses Woods, an onlooker who supported that message.

“It’s about remembering that we went to an all-black school,” Orian Lumpkin said. “It was an excellent school. We were well taken care of. The teachers put more time into the kids back in the day.”

The parade concluded with former Mebane High School students, donning Western clothing and cowboy hats, riding through the crowd on horseback. As they rode off around high noon, families, friends and classmates continued to share memories, made plans to meet after the event and said their goodbyes.

Mayor Williams reflected on the solidarity of his community in the area.

“We were all part of one group.”

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ALACHUA – A foreign trade zone has been established at Progress Park and other surrounding business complexes.

The foreign trade zone would allow cheaper tariffs for businesses in the Progress Park area that ship goods outside of the country. While some companies in the Progress Park area are taking advantage of the opportunity, not all have joined in, mainly due to the lack of foreign trade that exists for some companies, said Sid Martin Incubator director, Patti Breedlove.

The Jacksonville Port Authority, most commonly known as Jaxport, is in charge of the areas in which the foreign trade zone exists. Typically, foreign trade zones are near port of entries, which is a major reason why certain areas in Alachua have been given the option to participate in it.

Nanosonic Products is one of the companies looking to benefit from the foreign trade zone. The company, which specializes in producing and shipping the chemical cyclodextrin to other countries like Asia and Europe, would only have to pay one tariff as opposed to two or three, said Jeff Tate, the president and director of Nanosonic.

“It allows us to operate with more efficiency with a lower tariff burden and that makes us more competitive worldwide,” Tate said.

Tate traveled to Jaxport to discuss the limitations of the foreign trade zone and the qualifications. Currently, Nanosonic is not participating in it, but is looking to fill out the required paper work to begin the process of joining the foreign trade zone, he said.

Assistant vice president and branch manager at PNC Bank in Alachua, Connie Rollburg, also made a trip to Jaxport to discuss the foreign trade zone, but was unavailable to comment.

With the recent growth in RTI Biologics and Banyon Biomarker's recent Department of Defense grant, Alachua has become a target on the map for a city that deals in innovation, Tate said. With those innovations in mind, the foreign trade zone is another asset that Alachua will soon be known for.

“The foreign trade zone really is icing on the cake,” Tate said.

With only so many areas that can be deemed a foreign trade zone by the Jaxport board, he said that the areas in which the foreign trade zone were placed were strategically planned to incorporate as many companies as possible.

With the growth of Progress Park and the addition of the foreign trade zone, the City of Alachua is working to take a step forward as a city known for its support of technological growth and advancement, Tate said.

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