HIGH SPRINGS – High Springs commissioners struggled to get to the root of whether the City should be fluoridating water for residents.

While water in the town is currently fluoridated to a level of 0.42 parts per million, well within federal public health guidelines, Commissioner Eric May initiated discussion of the elimination of the additive to the Sept. 22 meeting. He said he heard concerns from citizens about the issue.

Mayor Larry Travis said he also received citizen requests.

“My concern,” he said, “is that we're putting this chemical in the water that people don’t want.”

University of Florida senior water treatment training specialist Ronald Trygar gave a presentation before the commission supporting the removal of fluoride. He said he is not against people having healthy teeth, but the benefits of fluoride are not enough to outweigh the risks.

He said High Springs has naturally occurring fluoride already, helping to protect the teeth of the residents. Trygar explained that too much fluoride exposure leads to fluorosis, causing white spots to appear on teeth.

As a water treatment trainer, he quoted the manual he uses to teach his classes.

“It is important to avoid overfeeding,” he said. “It can cause illness and bad public relations. The operator must pay close attention to maximum dosages.”

He said a monitor must be installed at the water treatment facility to notify staff if over fluoridation occurs. If the dosage goes above the maximum, the water system must be shut down and completely cleaned. Public health officials have to be notified.

The commission is uncertain if such a monitor exists, and operators are only required to be present for three hours a day at the facility.

Trygar said that many other products are commonly available with fluoride in them. Pulling out a box of toothpaste, he pointed to a warning label.

It said that one should call poison control if excess product is consumed. He said this was because of fluoride, a chemical listed in his manual as dangerous for ingestion in its pure form, leading to corrosive burns in the mouth and digestive tract.

He also explained that the Department of Health suggests that parents do not mix infant formula with tap water because of the danger of fluorosis.

Upon questioning by May, Trygar explained that while the maximum level of fluoride suggested was lowered to 1.2 parts per million, there is no required minimum level. It’s an elective process, he said.

He also said that the process incurs costs the town does not pass to consumers. The high cost of water service in High Springs has become a major point of contention in the commission race.

However, Trygar said, “You’re probably undercharging for the amount of water you produce. Don’t yell at me for that, but it’s true.”

May said the cost is not the issue.

“It would save us about $3,000 a year to eliminate fluoridation,” he said. “That’s not something we’re going to jeopardize public health over.”

Dr. Scott Tomar, professor at the University of Florida College of Dentistry, said the practice of fluoridation is not only crucial to protect the oral health of the city’s most vulnerable citizens, but it is the most cost-effective way of doing so.

“It’s one of the few public health measures that not only prevents disease but actually saves money,” he said. “It saves approximately $40 for every dollar spent.”

He explained that fluoridation strengthens the teeth of those citizens unable to afford sufficient dental care. He said children and adults living in fluoridated communities experience less tooth decay.

“Not only is it effective, but it’s safe,” he said. “It’s not really a controversy because these questions have been asked and answered. The World Health Organization, the Pan-American Health Agency, they all recommend it.”

Paul Meyers, assistant director of the Alachua County Health Department, called fluoridation “one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th Century.”

Gainesville was the first city to fluoridate its water in Florida, starting the practice in 1949. Meyers said the action is based on peer-reviewed, solid science.

Newberry and Fort White do not fluoridate their water, while Alachua does.

Local resident Pat Rush said the town must trust the experts. He said he spoke to a dentist about the issue.

“He told me, ‘If we took out the fluoride in the water,’” Rush said. “‘I’d have three times as much business.’”

Commissioners admitted that there was a great deal of information on both sides of the issue. They decided to postpone their vote about fluoridation until they found out whether the water treatment facility had a monitor.

Commissioner Dean Davis said this precaution must be in place, or fluoridation has to be discontinued.

“If there’s any chance a baby could die, it’s not worth it,” he said Add a comment

HAWTHORNE – On Tuesday night, the Hawthorne City Commission tackled the issue of whether a road, SE 76th Place, should be closed.

City Manager Ellen Vause originally proposed to place “do not enter” signs at the entrance of the road. She also said she spoke with a property owner that would be affected by the road closure.

After further examination, Vause now says six more property owners would be affected by the closure.  And it may mean that these property owners will be required to contribute money to shut the road down.

“I thought it would be a simple road closing, but the more you look at it, the more challenges we have,” Vause said.

Property owners are responsible for funding the fencing and barricading of each property, Vause said. However, because the road is a historical pathway, the legal question is who would be responsible for which tasks and costs.

The dirt road has occasionally been maintained by the City throughout the years. And there are water and sewer lines running down the road, but the City does not have a legal right to maintain them.

Chris Dawson, a city planner with Alachua County, said the issue of ownership of the road arises because the public is using private land as a road.

“The road runs on private property and the City has been maintaining it without any authorization,” he said. “The City will be using these owners’ land one way or another.”

Referring to the road closure, city attorney Audrie Harris said property owners should be required to pay for a portion of the costs, such as purchasing the barricades. Residents will not be compensated for use of the land.

“It is reasonable for the City to tell residents they need to help with these expenses,” she said.

Mayor Matthew Surrency said he believes property owners should take some of the responsibility for the costs of closing the road.

“If the property owners want something different, then it should be their burden to try and find out what they need to do,” he said.

If the road is closed, in order to give affected residents access to their homes, the City would have to construct two roads to the north and south of 76th Place.

Commissioner DeLoris Roberts said the addition of these two roads combined with the costs of closing down SE 76th Place would not be the best economic choice for the City.

“This would have a lot of expense involved, which our budget does not speak to at the moment,” she said.

Vause asked the City Commission for guidance on how to proceed with the road closing. The commission directed City staff to meet with each property owner individually to determine their use of SE 76th Place and how access to their homes would be affected.

The commission also advised Vause to secure a utility easement, or an entitlement from the owners of the land, for the use of the water lines and sewer system, to allow the City to use and maintain the utilities.

Once these tasks are completed, the issue will be brought back to the City Commission for further discussion. Surrency advised City staff to document the property owner’s decisions.

“We have to make sure it is recorded so we don’t get sued later,” he said.

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HIGH SPRINGS – It will soon be the end of the election trail for the four High Springs City Commission candidates. The candidates will face off on Tuesday for two High Springs City Commission seats. In addition to the election, six amendments to the City charter will also be on the ballot.

Linda Clark Gestrin and Bob Barnas are running against the incumbents, Mayor Larry Travis and Vice Mayor Byran Williams, for their seats.

While it will not affect this election, the commission is putting to vote an ordinance requiring commission candidates to run for specific seats. At this time, High Springs commission candidates run for a general seat. The individual with the most votes receives the seat with the longest term.

Currently, the City Charter prohibits city commissioners from becoming employed by the City until a year after their term expires. An amendment will be on the ballot disqualifying commissioners from working as contractual employees for the same time period.

The city manager’s duties could be further clarified by an amendment to be put to vote, including giving the individual the power to sign contracts for the City.

Also on the ballot is an amendment adding a preamble to the City Charter, expressing the purpose of the municipal government to serve the governed and not the governing. An additional amendment, if passed, will require the city commission to review the City’s Charter every eight years.

This means the charter would have to be reviewed in March 2016. Travis explained at the Aug. 25 commission meeting that under the proposed amendment, the City is still permitted to review the charter at any time.

“The commission is trying to be proactive,” he said, “to do some things with our charter that are more in line with where we are today.”

Also on the ballot will be an amendment allowing citizens to initiate petitions to propose City ordinances. Under the amendment, citizens gathering 50 electors of the city can bring a petition to the commission for consideration.

Citizens can vote on Nov. 8 at the High Springs Civic Center. The poll will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

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GAINESVILLE – About a month after Alachua County commissioners agreed to consider new proposals for use of funds raised from a 1-cent tourist development tax on all lodging in the county, the cities of High Springs and Hawthorne joined the likes of the cities of Gainesville and Newberry in vying for at least some of the funds.

Last week, the City of Alachua got the nod from the Alachua County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) for $500,000 toward a $1.2 million purchase of 105 acres adjacent to the city’s Hal Brady Recreation Complex.

It was that request from the City of Alachua and another from the City of Newberry that prompted a reopening of project considerations.

Last year, the BOCC approved a 2-cent hike in the bed taxes, fees collected on hotel, motel, campground and similar rentals.  Each cent is expected to raise some $650,000 annually which can be used toward projects intended to attract more tourism to Alachua County.

The funding from one cent of the increase was committed over a period of several years to help develop Nations Baseball Park in Newberry.  The remaining one cent was being set aside to help fund a new county fairgrounds on Waldo Road in Gainesville.  But that project may have been derailed since the Newberry officials have proposed the funds instead be pledged to help purchase the Canterbury Equestrian Showplace in Newberry and move the fairgrounds there.

According to a document produced by the City of Newberry, the 60-acre Canterbury site could be purchased for $5 million.  County officials had been expecting to use an already-purchased tract of land on Waldo Road for the fairgrounds, but the first phase of that project is expected to require $22 million.

The City of High Springs submitted three proposals for use of the tourist development tax funds.  One project is focused on construction of a railroad museum and the funding of a passenger train to travel between the High Springs and Newberry.  According to the city’s proposal, the estimated cost of the museum is between $125,000 and $150,000, but the cost of repairing tracks and acquiring a train was unknown.

Another project offered by High Springs for funding is the purchase and restoration of The Priest Theater, a century old building that had been functioning as a movie theater until recently.  The property is up for sale at $250,000.  High Springs officials estimate that renovations would require about $300,000 for a total project cost of $550,000.

Also proposed for consideration is a plan that would upgrade the City of High Springs’ BMX racing facility.  Some of the upgrades the City proposes are bathroom facility improvements, covered seating, campsites, additional track expansion, concession facilities and more.  The cost of the city’s BMX track upgrades and improvements would come with a price tag of just more than $300,000.

The City of Hawthorne, meanwhile proposes that tourist development taxes be directed toward its Little Orange Creek Nature Park (LOCNP).  The city wants about $625,000 to convert an existing residence into a multiuse building consisting of a nature center, museum, event center and environmental education center.  About $100,000 of the proposed costs would be used to construct a fishing pier.  The City of Hawthorne recently acquired the 1,135 acres that are now the LOCNP.  Some 925 acres of the property are located in Alachua County with the remaining lands in neighboring Putnam County.

Although the City of Gainesville submitted a plan that would use funds to expedite the construction of the first phase of the Cade Museum proposed for Depot Park, city officials also urged the county not to defund the new fairgrounds project.

All of the projects are expected to be reviewed in a Nov. 22 county meeting.

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Hammond_Ronnie_-_MugshotASO11HIGH SPRINGS – A High Springs man was arrested early Tuesday morning for allegedly threatening his neighbor with a shotgun and then firing a round into his own couch.

According to an Alachua County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO) report, Ronnie M. Hammond, 59, of High Springs was arrested after repeatedly pumping a shotgun and threatening a neighbor.

Deputies say a 24-year-old sleepwalking neighbor walked up to Hammond’s home asking for help just after midnight Tuesday morning.  Another neighbor, who allegedly witnessed the incident, said Hammond walked out of his residence carrying a shotgun.

The neighbor claims that Hammond then pumped the shotgun and pointed it at the sleepwalking neighbor and said he was going to kill him.

The 58-year-old father of the man who was sleepwalking reportedly approached Hammond stating that his son was sleepwalking and was not trying to do anything except ask for help.  According to the report, Hammond then turned the gun on the father and said he was going to kill him as well.  After making that statement, Hammond allegedly pumped the shotgun two more times.

The father and son both ran away from the area, the report states.  The neighbor witnessing the incident said Hammond continued walking up and down his property, pumping the shotgun until law enforcement officers arrived, at which point, he went back into his residence.

Deputies report that they made numerous announcements for Hammond to surrender himself.  “At one point, he exited the residence and pumped the shotgun again,” the report states.

Hammond only surrendered himself after first returning to the residence and discharging one shotgun round into his couch, according to the police report.

The shotgun was located with four rounds still in the chamber, deputies said.

After being arrested, Hammond reportedly said someone kidnapped his son and told him they were coming for him too, but deputies said Hammond doesn’t have a son in the immediate area.

Hammond was charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.  He was taken to the ACSO Department of the Jail.  He was released Tuesday following a first appearance and posting a $10,000 bond.

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ARCHER – In the city of Archer, two candidates will square off on Tuesday to fill one seat on the city commission.

Laurie Costello and Fletcher Hope are vying to fill the seat vacated by former commissioner Roberta Lopez, who resigned Sept. 12. The successful candidate will serve the remainder of the term, which expires November 2012.

Archer needs “someone who knows a lot about the city,” Costello said. “If I get voted in I'll be ready to vote on any issue.”

Costello said she attended every commission meeting for about six years and served as commissioner for six years. “I have the experience,” she said.

One issue the commission is discussing is construction of a municipal sewer system in Archer. Costello said she knows the history of this particular issue and can contribute to decision making on it.

She is also concerned about road improvements. “I've been trying to get the city to plan street maintenance and put it in writing so we can start doing some infrastructure planning,” she said.

Costello owns her own real estate business, Costello Realty. She is married and has a son in the navy.

“I'm a business woman,” Costello said. “You put things in writing. You have a plan and you have goal. Without that you'll never succeed.”

Hope was not available for comment as of press time.

Voting will take place at the Santa Fe Davis Center on Highway 24. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. City Manager John Glanzer said he expects a 25 to 30 percent turnout at the polls, which is about 150 to 200 people.

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Halloween1Alachua’s Trick-or-Treat on Main Street was a popular Halloween destination for costumed youngsters to gather sweets from merchants located downtown.

ALACHUA – There was no shortage of superheroes, princesses and witches in Alachua Monday night as thousands of Halloween fun seekers flooded the downtown area during the city’s annual Trick-or-Treat on Main Street event from 6 – 8 p.m.

The downtown area’s Scarecrow Row, which has been decorated for weeks, set the stage with costumed scarecrows adorning lampposts along the winding street, greeting visitors along the way.

Trick-or-treaters, including young and old alike, dressed in their spookiest or most creative costumes, joined in the festivities.  Buoyed by the upbeat atmosphere permeating the downtown area, youngsters, families and friends scuttled back and forth along both sides of Main Street, from one end to the other, trick-or-treating door-to-door in search of sweet treats from local businesses.

Highlights of the evening included the announcement of Scarecrow Row winners and costume contests sponsored by the Alachua Chamber of Commerce.  A long line formed outside the haunted house jointly sponsored by the Alachua Chamber of Commerce and the Alachua Police Explorers.  As the courageous waited to be beckoned into the darkened building by a ghoulish zombie, shrieks of horror forewarned of the frightening experience to come. A few steps away, an historic house transformed into a pirate’s lair was a popular spot to catch a glimpse of ghostly pirates and listen to a pirate’s chantey.  At the Alachua County Today building, spooky music, laser lights and blow-up monsters added to the festive atmosphere.

City of Alachua Recreation Director Hal Brady and Alachua Vice-Mayor Ben Boukari, Jr., delivered the much anticipated announcement naming the winners of Scarecrow Row.  This year’s winners were Capital City Bank in first place, D.W. Ashton Catery in second place and Andrews Paving in third place.

Costume contestants were divided into age groups, and Alachua Chamber of Commerce President Jim Brandenburg called each of the groups to the stage for viewing by the judges as camera flashes illuminated an assortment of characters.  In the Pre-K category, the winner was Vincent Tarallo, dressed as Raggedy Andy.  The winner in the K- 2nd grade division was Elliott Browne, dressed as King Tut. In the 3rd – 5th grade division the winner was Alexis Greenberg, dressed as a shower curtain.  In grades 6-8, the winner was Kacie Geelhoed, dressed as a can-can girl.  In the high school through adult category, winners were Robert Ferry, Meghan Abernathy, and Gaura Ely, dressed as Scooby Doo.

Trick-or-Treat on Main Street is a longtime annual event sponsored by the Alachua Chamber of Commerce and City of Alachua offering children a safe environment to enjoy Halloween festivities.  It is one of a series of events taking place in downtown Alachua during the fall season, along with the Alachua Harvest Festival sponsored by the Alachua Business League, Shop - Dine - Stroll sponsored by the Alachua Chamber of Commerce and the Alachua Christmas Parade sponsored by the City of Alachua and the Alachua Chamber of Commerce.

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