
HIGH SPRINGS – A local roadway has become a point of controversy for some in High Springs. In 2010, the High Springs City Commission approved a resolution prohibiting traffic along the roadway behind City Hall. On Thursday, Dec. 13, 2012, the issue was brought before the commission again, in the form of a new resolution, which if approved, would have repealed the 2010 resolution prohibiting traffic along the roadway and would have formally re-opened the road around James Paul Park to vehicular traffic.

The new resolution was prepared by City Attorney Scott Walker, at the direction of the sitting commission prior to the November election, in order to formalize a controversial 3-1 decision to reopen the road which was made during the Oct. 18, 2012 City Commission meeting.

With the failure of the new resolution, the road remains closed and no further action on re-opening it is currently anticipated.

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