
NEWBERRY – Development of a small-scale rural event center on approximately 4.27 acres located approximately .25 mile west of the intersection of Newberry Road and 170th Street is in the works.

The City’s Planning and Zoning Board voted to recommend approval of Resolution 2022-04/SE 22-03 to the Board of Adjustment (BOA). City officials anticipate it will be heard at the Feb. 28 meeting.

The Special Exception, if approved by the BOA will allow for the development of a small-scale rural event center on approximately 4.27 acres located approximately .25 mile west of the intersection of Newberry Road and 170th Street.

Applicant Shabnam Rumpf-Monadizadeh, agent for Ecovibe, LLC, explained the myriad of possible uses of the property, which range from a nature trail, a beer garden/café, covered stage pavilion, vegetable and herb garden to food trucks and musical events. Rumpf-Monadizadeh said approximately 2/3 of the property will be used as an outdoor living room with movable seating for easy conversation.

Concern about noise, light pollution, parking and hours of operation were discussed. Although a suggestion to allow larger concert events three times a year was mentioned, that was not included in the motion to approve. What did seem to be included in the confusing motion was a recommendation that the Commission review the application again in one year. If no problems or concerns are brought up at that time, the recommendation is to extend the Special Exception another three or five years, depending on the wishes of the BOA.

Planning and Zoning Board members recommended that the Special Exception approval be attached to the applicant and the Board of Adjustment would decide if the Special Exception would transfer to a new owner at the point of sale.

In other business, Planning and Zoning Board members voted unanimously to recommend approval of Ordinance 2022-19/LDR 22-02, an application by the City of Newberry to amend the text of the Land Development Regulations to provide for electronic message signage at city-owned facilities, specifically City Hall.

Tabled was a change in the July meeting schedule to avoid the July 4th holiday. This item will be addressed at the next meeting.

Principal Planner Wendy Kinser-Maxwell announced that she will be retiring from her position with the City on March 3, and this would be her last Planning and Zoning Board meeting.

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Email cwalker@
