
ALACHUA ‒ The City of Alachua at its June 26 meeting unanimously approved a solar power purchase agreement paving the way for a solar farm sited in Alachua. NovaSol will design, permit, procure all materials, construction, and provide service from the solar plant at no cost to the City of Alachua. In turn, the City will purchase the output of the solar plant at a specified price and provide the interconnection between the solar plant and City distribution lines. The solar plant will be sited on City property.

City staff recommended that the Commission approve the agreement, saying that the measure will also provide three sources of savings in bulk power supply costs from the solar facility. The agreement will diversify the City's energy portfolio with solar energy as a new component, providing additional shielding to rate payers in the event natural gas or other traditional energy markets spike.

Energy costs from the bulk power supplier are related to natural gas prices, making estimates of savings in energy costs uncertain, but gas prices are expected to continue to rise as resources are limited. Additionally, it is expected that natural gas prices will increase over the 30-year life of the facility.

As demand costs are projected to increase over time as population and development continues, savings in demand costs represent a significant portion of the total savings from the solar plant. Energy costs from the solar plant are fixed, leading to savings in the latter years.

If the plant produces excess energy, it can be sold to other communities as Sale of Renewable Energy Credits. Renewable Energy Credits or RECs represent the energy generated by renewable energy sources such as solar and wind facilities. Although the rate varies annually, it is projected to add funds back into City coffers and help keep energy costs down for Alachua electric utility customers.

In other business, the Commission approved on final reading amending the City’s Land Development Regulations (LDRs) that regulate development within Alachua’s city limits. The adopted measure amends current rules relating to the use of a recreational vehicle (RV) or travel trailer and allows an RV or travel trailer as a temporary residence on a property zoned for residential use.

Also included in the approved amendment is the requirement for access to temporary power when an RV or travel trailer is being used as a temporary residence in an AG zoning district while a residential dwelling is being constructed. Additionally, the length of time that an RV or travel trailer can be used as a temporary residence during construction of a residential dwelling was increased from six months to 12 months, and also allows two extensions instead of one, for a total of 24 months.

The amendment also addressed off-street parking standards, to include designated outdoor seating areas to coincide with the minimum off-street parking required for restaurants with outdoor seating and to establish minimum parking standards for microbreweries.

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