
NEWBERRY ‒ The Newberry City Commission approved in a 3-1 vote an increase in the fire rescue assessment for fiscal year 2023-24. The $5 per dwelling unit increase is anticipated to offset increased fire department costs. Commissioner Tim Marden casting the dissenting vote.

Rates per residential dwelling unit are $200 while non-residential properties are charged per square foot. Commercial properties are charged $0.17, Industrial/Warehouse properties are charged $0.03 and Institutional properties are charged $0.23.

The special assessment for fire services funds personnel costs, capital improvements, equipment and other costs related to responding to fire/non-medical emergencies, maintaining readiness to respond to fire/non-medical emergencies through staffing, training, procuring and maintaining facilities and equipment.

In other business, the Commission unanimously approved a Master Joint Project Agreement (JPA) between the City and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for the State Road 26 Twin Pairs Project.

The agreement provides for relocation of some of the City’s utility facilities such as overhead electric, fiber optic, water, and wastewater on State Road 26 and on Northwest 1st Avenue. FDOT has programmed the construction of the State Road 26 Twin Pairs project into its five-year work plan.

Now that the agreement has been approved, FDOT will provide Utility Work Order No. 1 requesting the deposit for the City of Newberry’s Non-Compensable portion of the design contract for $169,568.

Later, upon working through design and finalizing construction cost, FDOT will request subsequent work orders off this same Master Agreement for the deposit of City’s participation in the Construction Cost.

All work orders under this Master JPA that exceed the purchasing authority of the City Manager, which is $25,000, will be brought before the Commission for consideration and approval before any work is performed.

In other business, the City Commission approved on first reading was an ordinance requested by Alachua County to provide consent for authorization to continue to levy a Municipal Services Benefit Unit (MSBU) amount for the purpose of providing solid waste services to the City of Newberry.

The measure passed in a 3-1 vote with Commissioner Marden casting the dissenting vote. The MSBU rate for residential customers in FY 23-24 is $25.27, an increase from the prior year. Newberry city staff said that rates have not been increased in the prior three years.

Due to a conflict between the City’s first budget hearing and the Alachua County School Board’s meeting on Sept. 11, the City Commission will hold a budget workshop on Tuesday, Sept. 5, following the Planning and Zoning Board meeting. The Commission has also rescheduled the Sept. 11 meeting to take place on Sept. 6. The Commission will discuss the first budget meeting on that date as well.

The Commission voted unanimously to declare a state of emergency in Newberry due to Hurricane Idalia, which is slated to make landfall as a Category Three hurricane at Cedar Key. City Hall will be closed on Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 30 – 31. City Manager Mike New reviewed the procedures for crews to be dispatched to address downed electrical wires and emergency shelters.

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Email cwalker@
