
GAINESVILLE Fla.Rebecca Hall of Alachua County has been named as a state finalist for the Florida Farm Bureau Federation Excellence in Agriculture award.She will compete for the statewide honor later this month at the 2023 Florida Farm Bureau Annual Meeting in Orlando, Oct. 25-27.

Hall serves as the vice president of Promised Land Family Ministries Inc., a nonprofit founded by her and her husband. The couple own a 54-acre farm, considered to be within a food desert. To help serve families in need, Hall initiated a community garden to provide a variety of produce to those in the area. Hall oversees all administrative, fundraising and marketing efforts as well as the coordination of volunteers for the non-profit.

 “We seek to be a blessing to the community and one way we do that is through our community garden,” said Hall. “One hundred percent of produce we grow goes to families in need. I take produce to families and keep spreadsheets with data from our garden so we can make notes and improve our yield the next season.”

The Excellence in Agriculture Award is based on an applicant’s involvement in agriculture, leadership ability and participation in Farm Bureau and other civic organizations. Each Excellence in Agriculture award finalist will make a presentation to a panel of qualified judges at the Florida Farm Bureau Annual Meeting in Orlando..

The Excellence in Agriculture Award winner will receive a utility vehicle, courtesy of Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company, $500 in cash and an expense-paid trip to the 2024 American Farm Bureau Annual Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 19-22, 2024.

Florida Farm Bureau, the state’s largest general agricultural organization, represents more than132,000 member-families. We serve to enhance farm enterprise and improve rural communities.

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