
Updated: 12/11/2023 2:40PM

GAINESVILLE, FL - A release issued by Alachua County Public Schools announced information received Dec. 11, 2023, from the Florida Department of Education.

A majority of the local elementary schools currently in ‘School Improvement’ or SI/turnaround status boosted their grades this year, according to a report released this morning by the Florida Department of Education.

Alachua (D to a C), Idylwild (D to a C), Terwilliger (D to a C) and Lake Forest (F to a D) elementary schools all increased their grades under the state’s revised accountability system, which this year was based on new tests and new cut scores for those tests. In fact, the state is referring to this year’s grades as ‘informational baseline’ grades.

Two other SI schools (Shell and Rawlings) maintained their grades, while Metcalfe fell from a D to an F. However, that grade will not affect Metcalfe’s current SI status.

Because of the testing changes, the new grading system for this year does not reflect student gains (changes from year to year), which are typically a significant element of school grades.

“No negative consequences shall result from these grades, as they are purely informational” said the state’s senior chancellor of the Florida Department of Education Adam Miller in an email to Florida’s superintendents. “However, a school may receive the benefits of these grades, in terms of qualifying for School Recognition and/or exiting turnaround status.” (Schools qualify for School Recognition by increasing their overall grade or maintaining an A grade.)

Alachua, Idylwild and Terwilliger will all move out of SI status as a result of the new grades, while Lake Forest will have an opportunity to move out based on its 2024 grade.

“It’s important to recognize the hard work and commitment of school leaders, faculty, staff, families, district personnel, our community partners and everyone involved in our schools,’ said Superintendent Shane Andrew. “This was a team effort, and we look forward to continued improvement at all our schools.”

Overall, 11 ACPS schools boosted their grades this year, four dropped and 20 remained the same, with 22 earning either an A or B grade. The district’s overall informational baseline grade for 2023 is a B.

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