
NEWBERRY ‒ Residents and visitors gathered for the highly anticipated Newberry Watermelon Festival on Saturday, May 18, 2024 at Country Way Town Square, just south of Newberry High School. The 79th edition of this cherished tradition brought together young and old for a day filled with community spirit, and, of course, plenty of juicy, red watermelon.Newberry Watermelon Festival Parade NHS cheerleaders2

The annual festival brought out crowds who enjoyed picture perfect weather, dozens of vendors, refreshing watermelon, games and activities, and entertainment. Highlights included the traditional festival parade, seed spitting contest, hog calling contest and of course, no one could resist the allure of free watermelon, which was available in abundance throughout the day.

Festivities kicked off with the sounds of marching bands echoing through the air as the colorful festival parade made its way through downtown Newberry. Spectators lined the sidewalks, cheering on gayly decorated floats, shiny cars, and a variety of contestants vying for Watermelon Queen titles.

One of the festival's most anticipated events, the Watermelon Queen Pageant, saw a surge of excitement this year as it was held on the same day as the festival. Contestants showcased their poise and charm, with spectators enthusiastically supporting their favorites, adding anticipation and excitement to the day's events.

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