
HIGH SPRINGS ‒ In an effort to reduce costs, the High Springs City Commission voted on July 11, 2024, to terminate leases on four vehicles and purchase replacements. The decision, proposed by City Manager Jeremy Marshall, aims to save the city approximately $6,000 per month.

The four leased vehicles, currently with Bancorp, will be returned without any penalties for early termination. The Commission approved the purchase of three new vehicles to replace them: two 2023 Dodge Rams and one Ford Ranger. The funding for these purchases will come from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The vote to acquire the new vehicles was unanimous.

In other City business, the Commission unanimously voted on Jully 11 to approve the City’s mutual aid agreement. The renewal of the City’s mutual aid agreement allows the City to receive and provide mutual aid through the Florida Division of Emergency Management. The agreement allows High Springs to assist other cities in times of crisis and also to receive aid from other cities if High Springs is in crisis.

Terms of the agreement provide that the city receiving aid will pay for the support they receive from another municipality in times of natural disasters or emergencies.

The signing of this agreement also allows Alachua County to receive the same type of support from other counties in times of disasters or emergencies.

City Manager Marshall updated the Commission regarding the Priest Theater and reported that the Priest Theater Committee met and determined that it will take six to eight months to make the required basic repairs to the structure. An architect and engineer will be needed to accomplish that goal. Commissioner Andrew Miller asked the Commission to consider whether they still wanted to repair and sell it or do something with the structure once it’s fixed.

In other news, the City’s Parks and Recreation Department will likely be moving into the Canoe Outpost building as their new headquarters.

Also on tap is a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Douglass Community Center on Saturday, Aug. 10 at 11 a.m. Commissioner Byran Williams reminded the Commission that they needed to name the Center.

The High Springs Youth Council will be holding a 9-11 commemorative event; possibly along with Boy Scout Troop #69.

A proclamation was read into the record honoring Sam Nichol, who just attained his Eagle Scout designation. The proclamation listed several of his projects that won him that honor and he was applauded by the Commissioners and audience members for his achievement.

The High Springs City Commission has scheduled two budget workshops at 6:30 p.m. on July 16 and 18. The next regular City Commission meeting is set for July 25 at 6:30 p.m., preceded by a Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) meeting at 5:30 p.m.

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