
ALACHUA ‒ The Alachua Business League (ABL) held their first workshop of the year, titled “Mobile Mastery with Moxie Media” at the Good Life Station on Main Street in Alachua.

Joe Hancock, with Moxie Media, described to a full house how each person in the room has the ability to use their own cell phone to do advertising videos for their own business. He touched on the basics of composition and lighting, but stressed how easy it is to get your message out through social media without spending a lot of time or money. It was a timely subject and got a good reception from those in attendance.

Next month Campus USA Credit Union in Alachua is hosting a “Meet & Greet” on Monday, Sept. 16 at 6 P.M. Check the new and improved ABL website at www.alachuabusiness.com for more information and to RSVP.

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