
NEWBERRY – The Newberry City Commission took steps to advance the city’s Veterans Memorial Park during their meeting on Oct. 14, 2024. The Commission discussed funding challenges and approved several actions aimed at ensuring the project moves forward.

Ryan Young, the city’s Assistant Director of Capital Projects and Facilities, presented the latest updates on Veterans Memorial Park. The project has received building donations of $172,000, but the City faces a $90,000 funding shortfall to meet the total guaranteed maximum price (GMP) of $595,152 for the memorial's construction.

City Manager Mike New addressed the commission, explaining that the city had previously sought state funding to cover the deficit. A funding request was submitted earlier this year and had received initial approval, but it was ultimately vetoed by the governor. Despite this setback, New assured the Commission that funds were available for a temporary loan to the project to help procure materials for the memorial, many of which have long lead times.

Young laid out three options for the Commission to consider as they deliberated on the next steps for the project:

  1. Accept the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Submittal: The Commission could accept the GMP proposal from Oelrich Construction and authorize staff to execute a contract for construction.
  2. Submit a Legislative Appropriation Request: This option involved requesting $90,000 in state funding during the 2025 State legislative session to make up for the funding shortfall.
  3. Delay Construction: The third option proposed approving the GMP but delaying the start of construction so that the project could be completed just before Veterans Day 2025.

After a discussion on the merits of each option, the Commission held a roll-call vote. Commissioners voted 3-1 in favor of proceeding with the first two options, allowing the city to accept the GMP from Oelrich Construction and submit a new legislative appropriation request for the upcoming state session. Commissioner Tim Marden cast the sole dissenting vote.

In addition to the Veterans Memorial Park discussions, the Commission addressed other matters. A scheduling conflict regarding the Nov. 11 Commission meeting, which falls on Veterans Day, prompted the Commission to move the meeting to Nov. 12 instead.

The Commission also reviewed forms for the annual evaluations of the City's Charter Officers—the City Attorney, City Clerk, and City Manager. Commissioners were asked to return their evaluation forms by Oct. 21, 2024.

Additionally, City Manager New provided updates on several other City matters. He mentioned that Alachua County will soon remove the remaining hurricane debris from the area, with the City awaiting an Interlocal Agreement from the county to formalize the cleanup efforts. The Commission unanimously authorized New to enter into the agreement.

Finally, the City’s annual ethics training, a mandatory requirement for commissioners, has been scheduled for Dec. 18, 2024, and will be held at the City Attorney’s office at 4 p.m.

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