GAINESVILLE Summer with the Library lifts off May 29 with all programming and fun going online. Community members can register at and track their participation from May 29-Aug. 2 for a chance to win a new Samsung Galaxy Tablet, courtesy of Summer with the Library sponsor PDQ Restaurant.

Patrons of all ages can join in the Alachua County Library District’s summer program by registering online and tracking their progress with participation badges. Anyone who registers and earns at least 1 more badge will be entered into the raffle for a tablet. The more badges earned by Aug. 2, the better the chances of winning. Three winners will be selected - one child, one teen, and one adult – and will each receive a tablet. Winners will be announced Sept. 1 on Facebook and

Summer with the Library launches at 3:30 p.m. Friday, May 29 with Summer Reader Palooza LIVE - a Facebook Live event featuring special library guests, kid-friendly performances, and a DJ dance party. Tune in for a behind-the-scenes look at the library and details on how to register for summer fun.

Popular library programs like story times will continue online this summer. Plus, patrons can catch special virtual programs including book clubs, DIY tutorials, Adult Summer Camp, and more. Subscribe to the Library District’s YouTube channel,, and follow the Library District on Facebook to watch programs and interact with librarians.

The library also offers dozens of digital resources for learning and entertainment, as well as more than 81,000 eBooks online. Patrons can pick up materials, including books, movies, and music, Monday through Saturday 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. at any branch.

“We look forward to helping children and their caretakers continue to grow with reading all summer long,” said Alachua County Library District Director Shaney T. Livingston.

The Library District thanks the following sponsors for their generous support of Summer with the Library: PDQ Restaurant, Friends of the Library, Cox Communications, Giggle Magazine, and the Gainesville Sun. 

Contact Rachel Cook at or 352-334-3909 for details.

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ALACHUA COUNTY – Alachua County Public Schools Superintendent Karen Clarke will host the district’s second Telephone Town Hall meeting on Thursday, May 28 from 7:15 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. to respond to questions from families, employees and the public about the impact of COVID-19 on local schools and students. Other district and school staff will also be available to respond to questions.

The Town Hall will be available in both English and Spanish and will be streamed on YouTube at

Anyone who would like to participate, either by calling and asking a question or simply listening in, can register with their name and preferred phone number at:

ACPS families and employees are already registered through the primary phone number listed on the district’s database, but they can provide a preferred number at the same site. Registration for the event closes at 4:15 p.m. on May 28.

Those who are registered for the town hall will receive automated phone calls immediately before it begins. They will then remain on the line to be connected.

Anyone needing more information can call the district’s Communications Office at 352-955-7545.

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GAINESVILLE –Alachua County Farm Bureau has awarded three $1,000 scholarships to graduating high school seniors from ACFB member-families.

“Alachua County Farm Bureau has been providing financial help to high school graduates who plan to go on to college or other forms of higher education for decades,” said ACFB President Winston Rushing. “We are proud to carry on this tradition.”

The recipients are:

  • Jessie Lee, daughter of Robbie and Tracy Lee of Cross City, who will graduate from Dixie County High School. She indicated Florida State University is her top choice.
  • Alice Burnett, daughter of Garrett and Kirsten Burnett of High Springs, Fla., who will graduate from Santa Fe High School. Alice plans to attend Florida State University.
  • Eric Hester,, son of Eric and Summer Hester of Newberry. He will graduate from Newberry High School and plans to attend Maryville College in Maryville, Tennessee.

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GAINESVILLE, FL - As unemployment claims continue climbing due to the job losses caused by coronavirus, more Floridians need access to critical unemployment assistance to help pay their rent and keep food on the table.


“Unemployment benefits are critical to helping Floridians remain stable now and recover financially after the pandemic ends,” explained Christine E. Larson, Three Rivers Legal Services’ executive director. “However, many Floridians are still having difficulty accessing unemployment benefits.”


Three Rivers Legal Services’ attorneys and advocates are available to provide free, legal assistance to individuals to Floridians who have questions about their eligibility for state or federal unemployment benefits, including denials of applications, terminations of benefits or questions about their benefit amount.


With offices in Gainesville, Jacksonville and Lake City, Three Rivers Legal Services is assisting low-income clients in Northeast Florida facing civil legal problems stemming from the pandemic. For the health and safety of our clients and team, we are not currently taking in-person applications. However, anyone in need of civil legal help can call our legal helpline at 1-866-256-8091 or apply for help through our website at


“From evictions and foreclosures, to dealing with domestic violence during the quarantine, our advocates are available to help people with their civil legal needs,” said Larson.


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GAINESVILLE - On Friday, May 22, The Southeastern Conference Presidents voted to allow student-athletes to participate in voluntary in-person athletics activities on campus beginning June 8.

UF Health officials, along with University Athletic Association (UAA) Athletic Training, Strength and Hawkins Center staffs have prepared protocols for student-athletes to use our training facilities, which will focus on a gradual return of student athletes to campus over the course of the summer. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the UAA has been working closely with state, campus & UF Health officials.

One thing to note is that all student-athletes, coaches and UAA staff will be screened and tested for COVID through the UF Health program before coming back to campus or utilizing training facilities.

Attached, please see a copy of an executive summary of the program. Below is a quote from Athletics Director Scott Stricklin. We've also attached a copy of the current phasing and testing plan of our student athletes.

"Our student athlete wellness group has been working for some time with UF Health officials on a plan to integrate our student athletes back on campus," said Athletics Director Scott Stricklin.  "They have developed a gradual phasing program, so that we don't have an influx of a large number of student athletes returning at once. Football, Volleyball and Soccer teams will return in phases within those teams in the month of June. Our student athletes will be screened and tested through a partnership program with UF Health and our staff has worked with a number of experts to promote a safer environment for the return of our Gator student athletes."

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CEDAR KEY — Miss eating your favorite shellfish in restaurants? Never tasted delicious Cedar Key clams? Come pick up a bag of FREE clams to enjoy on this Memorial Day holiday, Monday, May 25, from 1-4 pm. Drive through the parking lot of B&E Seafood located at 7431 SW State Road 24, Cedar Key (5 miles east of #4 Channel Bridge, nearby the Marathon gas station).

Clams will be distributed on a first-come-first-serve basis with a limit of one 75-count bag per family. Must bring a cooler with an ice pack or frozen jug; ice will not be available. Recipes and handling information will be provided.

Thanks to the following Cedar Key wholesalers: B&E Seafood, Big Moon Seafood, Cedar Key Aquaculture Farms, Cedar Key Seafood Distributors, Cedar Shoals, Clamtastics, Davis Seafarms, Dog Island Blues Clam Co., Sloan’s Seafood, Southern Cross Seafarms, and Quality Shellfish. Sponsored by the Cedar Key Aquaculture Association and University of Florida/IFAS Shellfish Extension.

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GAINESVILLE – The Florida Department of Transportation is scheduled to begin a resurfacing project next month on Hawthorne Road (State Road 20) in Gainesville.

The project is set to begin on June 1, weather and unforeseen circumstances permitting, and take place from State Road 26 (University Avenue) to just east of County Road 329B. In addition to resurfacing, the $4 million, approximately 4-mile project will include sidewalk and drainage improvements, as well as other incidental construction.

FDOT has hired Preferred Materials, Inc., to complete the work.

Daytime lane closures are expected through the course of the project, and some nighttime construction activities are expected. However, lane closure restrictions will be in place during peak times to limit impacts to motorists. Lane closures are not allowed from:

  • 6:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Sunday from University Avenue (State Road 26) to Southeast 21st Street
  • 3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Sunday on Hawthorne Road (Eastbound) from Southeast 21st Street to County Road 329B
  • 6:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Monday through Sunday on Hawthorne Road (Westbound) from Southeast 21st Street to County Road 329B
  • 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Sunday on University Avenue (State Road 26)
  • In school zones, from one hour before school begins to 30 minutes after school begins, and one hour before school ends to 30 minutes after school ends

The project is expected to be completed later this year.

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