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Spectators watch the Annual A.L. Mebane Alumni Parade held on Main Street in Alachua.  The parade is just one of a number of events taking place over the three-day period that celebrates and remembers the school whose last high school graduating class was in 1971. (Today photo/RAY CARSON)

ALACHUA – For the past 21 years, the student alumni of A.L. Mebane High School have celebrated their unity, pride and history in a three-day Homecoming event on Thanksgiving weekend in Alachua. Various classes from 1960 to 1971 participate as members of the Mebane Alumni Association.

The Association has over 120 members who help keep the legacy of the school alive and provide cultural enrichment and social services to the community. Some of the services they provide are a fish fry for senior citizens, a back-to-school lunch program for students at Mebane Middle School and volunteering at Alachua schools as mentors to the students. They also provide annual scholarships to promising students at Mebane Middle School.

The three-day event started on Friday Nov. 25, with a Green and Gold Dance at the High Springs Civic Center and continued through Sunday with various activities open to the community as well as alumni. Fashion vendors set up at Mebane Middle School and ceremonies recognized the Grand Marshall and Homecoming Queens. Alumni classes competed for highest attendance and in basketball games .Other activities included variety and magic shows. There were also tours of the Mebane Museum at Mebane Middle School, which was established by the Alumni Association. The museum houses information and artifacts form the various African American schools in the area as well as artifacts donated by the Alumni Association. The three day event is an opportunity for all the students who graduated in the 16 years that Mebane High School existed to celebrate their memories and achievements.

For the Alumni Association, keeping their history alive is a matter of community pride. Mebane has a long history that saw changes in education for African Americans and the results of the struggle for racial equality and civil rights. In 1924, the Alachua County Training School (ACT) was opened to provide education for African American children. In this time of racial segregation, blacks and whites had to go to separate schools and few opportunities had existed for African American children. In 1956 the school was replaced by the Mebane School, named after Albert Leonidas Mebane who had been principle at the ACT school. The school covered all grades including high school.

This was still in the time of segregation so the school remained an all black school, but offered the same educational opportunities as other schools. The first graduating class was in 1957. In 1970, Alachua County schools were integrated by Federal law. Public schools in the county were reorganized and Mebane became a middle school. There would be no more graduating seniors. But the unity and spirit of the 14 graduating classes remained strong and the Alumni Association was created. In 1996 the Association held their first Homecoming event.

Throughout the following years, the event grew and became a cultural celebration for the whole community. The most popular part of the weekend is the Saturday parade down Main Street. Each alumni class designs a float, along with community organizations and churches. The parade is led by an escort of police cars and motorcycles, sirens wailing and lights flashing. The sidewalks on downtown Main Street are filled with spectators as cars carrying homecoming queens were interspersed with floats by the various alumni classes. Floats by the classes of 1963, 65, 66, 68, 69 and 71 rolled by as alumni members of each class threw out candy for the children attending the parade.

Once the alumni floats went by, other groups in the parade moved through. A marching band named “352” provided music while uniformed members of the Eastside High School NJROTC gave candy to the kids. Other groups that participated in the parade included The Female Protective Society, Saint Matthews Church, Outreach Ministry, Alachua Senior Cha Chas and the High Rock Riders motorcycle group. The parade closed with a group on horseback including two men portraying Florida's early cowboys, who had earned the name of Florida Cracker Cowboys by using the snap sound of a long whip to round up cows.

After the parade the community went back to Mebane Middle School for more festivities. Through the efforts of the Alumni Association and its annual Homecoming event, the legacy and accomplishments of the 14 years is kept alive each year.

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Jessica Huff greets guests as they browse her booth of crafts.  Huff participated in the High Springs Woman's Club Holiday Expo and Bake Sale this past weekend. (Photo special to Alachua County Today)

HIGH SPRINGS – Sweets, treats and gifts were the focus of the GFWC High Springs New Century Woman's Club this past weekend. Women's Club doors were flung open to invite shoppers to stop in, shop the great items vendors displayed and pick up lunch. Tantalizing homemade sweets were also available for visitors to choose from.

The club’s Holiday Expo and Bake Sale and has been held for the past six years at this time of year to offer arts, crafts and food treats to shoppers.

The weather was perfect for strolling this year and tents were set up outside for those folks who only wanted a quick look. Several additional vendors and bake sale items could be found inside.

“We had beautiful weather,” said Women's Club District 5 Director Vickie Cox. “The expectation was to have a good time and there were great people to work with indoors and outdoors,” she said.

The Club’s mission is to improve the community through involvement in educational, literary, scientific and charitable endeavors, according the club's website. Part of the General Federation of Woman’s Clubs, GFWC was formed by 12 women in 1899. Now, more than 80 women are members and participate in festivities and events hosted by the club.

“I was making Frito pies and hot dogs,” Cox said. “People actually come back and ask for the Frito pies.”

These hearty pies, made with the Frito chips in a bowl with beef or chili, are prepared by members. In addition, chili dogs, pumpkin treats, brownies, cookies and a variety of other delectable desserts were available.

“All of our members contribute,” Cox said. “We had outside vendors as well.”

A total of 22 vendors participated in this year's event. They ranged from photographers and artists selling their artwork to jewelry makers and vendors offering Vera Bradley designer bags.

“My favorite part of this event is having this great opportunity to shop,” said Carole Tate, President of the High Springs Woman’s Club.

“I liked shopping through all the different vendors,” said Tate. “It was a great chance to do some early Christmas shopping.”

The next big events club members are looking forward to will be the High Springs Farmer’s Market in downtown High Springs from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 3 and their participation in the Chamber of Commerce-sponsored Twilight Christmas Parade in downtown High Springs on Dec. 10.

Tate said it takes a lot of effort from all the members to pull through in making the event a success.

“It is a lot of work for members of the club, but we love to see people in the community come out and support our projects,” said Tate. “We would like to thank the vendors and the community for their support.”

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NEWBERRY – The Villages may be the best known retirement community in Florida with retirees living out their golden years zooming around alongside cars on their golf carts.

The Newberry City Commission has been wrestling with the pros and cons, not to mention the acceptable wording, of an ordinance that would make certain areas of Newberry “Golf Cart Communities.” A Golf Cart Community is one in which the city would allow the operation of golf carts on public rights-of-way with certain provisions, based on Florida State Statute 316.212.

The operation of golf carts on public streets is permissible, provided the municipality has determined that golf carts may safely travel on or cross the public streets. In addition, appropriate signage must be posted to indicate that such operation is allowed. Municipalities may pass more restrictive ordinances governing golf cart use in their communities in the future.

Although the issue has been brought before the Newberry Commission several times since 2013, the wording of an appropriate ordinance has yet to be decided. In a presentation by City of Newberry Planning Director Bryan Thomas, he reviewed the history of the city's efforts to complete an appropriate ordinance.

According to city records, the commission reviewed a staff determination by former City Planning Director Lowell Garrett on Jan. 14, 2013. At that meeting Garrett said that golf carts were permissible, with conditions, on public rights of way, pursuant to Florida State Statute 316.212. Although a motion was made and seconded to ratify the determination, after discussion a motion was passed to table the item indefinitely.

On Feb. 25, 2013, a follow-up two-hour workshop was conducted to discuss the proposed use of golf carts in residential areas of Newberry. Discussion focused on posting signs on designated street areas, registering golf carts and providing regulations for operation on city streets and charging a registration fee to cover the cost of signage and sign maintenance.

During the workshop, Newberry Mayor Bill Conrad suggested scheduling another workshop or bringing the item back on a future commission agenda to allow time for further review.

Recently, a commissioner requested it be brought back before the commission, which is why it was on the Nov. 14 agenda. Approximately, six residents were on hand in support of moving ahead with the initiative, according to city records.

Alachua County Sheriff Department Sergeant Billy Beck was also on hand to speak to the commission's safety concerns and answer commissioners' questions.

Commissioners tasked the city’s attorney, Scott Walker, to incorporate the items discussed into an ordinance, which is expected to be brought back before the commission at the Dec. 12 meeting.

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Kada Morris age 4 (left) and her sister Kacelyn age 6 receive press-on tattoos from Alexandra Young at the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in High Springs. The tattoo booth was sponsored by the Santa Fe High School Color Guard. (Today photo/RAY CARSON)

HIGH SPRINGS – On the evening of Nov. 18, sirens wailed and emergency lights flashed as police cars and a fire engine came racing down Main Street in High Springs. But there was no disaster or emergency. They were escorting a famous guest to a waiting crowd of anxious children. Santa Claus had come to town.

His visit was just one of the activities at the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on High Springs Main Street. For the past 15 years, the High Springs Chamber of Commerce has hosted the event as an opening celebration for the holiday season. The ceremony is marked by the lighting of a decorated Christmas tree in the open lot next to True Value on Main Street in the downtown area.

There were a variety of activities, entertainment and vendors during the ceremony, with most of them geared toward children. Christmas is the most celebrated religious and cultural holiday in America and billions of people around the world celebrate it as the day that Christ was born. But beyond its religious meaning it is also a celebration of good will to all – a time to gather with family and friends, a time to share with others, enjoy good food and exchange gifts. Especially for children, there is a special magic to the holiday and the local chamber of commerce wanted to make sure that magic is celebrated for all the children in the community. The Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony marks the beginning of a demonstration of the Thanksgiving and Christmas spirit in High Springs.

While the tree lighting and Santa's visit were the main attraction, there were additional food vendors and musical entertainment. The merchants on Main Street hosted an open house, some providing treats or activities for the children.

In the plaza where the event takes place, various tables were set up with activities such as face painting, Christmas card making, decorating ornaments and cookie decorating with jelly beans and licorice. Other tables offered children small gifts and sweets. Youngsters were able to get stick-on tattoos, lighted rings and small toys.

According to event organizer and head elf, Vicki Cox, organizations such as First Baptist Church, Sammy's ministry, Kiwanis and the Junior Beta club helped to make the event a success, with each year getting bigger. It is a community driven event, geared toward keeping Christmas traditions and Christmas music alive for the community’s children.

The evening started with music provided by Antoinette and Randy Hunt, with Michael Loveday acting as master of ceremonies and sound man. The First Baptist Church provided a choral group who sang to children as their parents strolled to various booths to share in the activities. Chamber member Tom Weller took to the stage to announce the annual Christmas Tree Lighting. With a countdown from the crowd, the lights on the tree turned on, bathing the surrounding area in a burst of color.

But for most of the children, the most anticipated event was the arrival of Santa Claus. With lights flashing and sirens wailing, he arrived in the High Springs fire truck with a police escort as befitting such an important visitor. Children lined up waiting for a chance to sit on Santa's lap to tell him their Christmas gift wishes. One by one they were escorted to Santa by Cox, who dressed as the head elf for Santa. With wide eyes and plenty of smiles, the children got to talk to Santa, creating a memory that would last a lifetime and bringing that special magic that is Christmas.

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Retired Alachua County deputy Clare Nobel (right) shows the audience a special service coin for Cesar the police dog as High Springs Police Officer Ethan Presnell and Cesar look on. Cesar is wearing the bullet proof vest that Nobel donated. (Today photo/RAY CARSON)


HIGH SPRINGS – The Great Outdoors Restaurant was packed on Tuesday Nov. 15 as residents turned out to greet their new High Springs police officer. His name is Cesar and he is a bit unusual. He is only two years old, is from Czechoslovakia and has four legs. But then again, some of the residents who came to greet him had four legs as well. Cesar is the new police dog for the city of High Springs and the citizens came out to meet him and show support, and a number of them brought their own dogs as a sign of unity. The police department previously had Aggie, a golden retriever who was a drug sniffing dog. When Aggie passed away at the age of nine, the department decided they wanted a K-9 dog that was more versatile and could be trained for other duties such as tracking and subduing a suspect. They needed a larger more powerful dog that was bred for police work – but those dogs are expensive.

An anonymous donor came forward with a $10,000 donation to cover all costs of purchasing, initial care and shipping for the dog. Cesar is a pure breed German Shepard, and was brought from Czechoslovakia. The breed originated in Europe and dogs from the region are recognized as possessing superior genetics and health. Officer Ethan Presenell had worked with Aggie for her last few years and became Cesar's new owner and partner. Together they will undergo 570 hours of general training for K-9 units as well as an additional 100 hours in narcotics training. The department received Cesar in the spring of 2016 and the training will last until early February 2017.

High Springs resident Leda Carrero knew that the police dog for the City of Alachua had a bulletproof vest and wanted to help Cesar get the same protection, but the vests are also expensive. Carrero started a fund raising campaign to get the $700 needed for a vest.

One day she was having lunch with retired Alachua County deputy Clare Noble, who wanted to help with a donation. When Carrero told her the cost, Noble went out to her car and returned with a check. “When I first looked at it I thought it said $70 and I thanked her for her donation, but on second glance I was surprised to see it was for the full $700,” Carrera said.

For Noble, it was just a way to help a fellow officer. “Some people feel you have to save your money when you retire. I am the opposite. You can’t take it with you so I believe in spending it on good causes where it will benefit others,” Noble said. “Cesar and Presnell were fellow officers and the vest could protect the dog, so I figured it was a worthy cause and could be paid in one donation” she said.

At the event at the Great Outdoors, High Springs Police Chief Joel DeCoursey, Jr., presented Clare Nobel with a certificate in gratitude for her donation. Then the main attraction came to the stage with Cesar wearing the vest that her donation bought. Officer Presnell and Cesar stood on stage as audience members took photographs. Because Cesar is young, energetic and in training, the audience was not permitted to touch him, and other dogs were kept at a distance to avoid any issues. Cesar took it all in stride and seem to enjoy the attention. High Springs now has a new lawman in town.

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Former Mayor Byran Williams (left) and City Commissioner Scott Jamison (right) rearrange the chairs for new Mayor Gloria James (center). (Today photo/RAY CARSON)

HIGH SPRINGS – It was a time of change at the High Springs City Commission meeting on Nov. 17. The meeting started with the standard procedures of the Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance and roll call, but it was the last time this particular roll call would be spoken. Newly elected officials were sworn in and seated and voting began shortly thereafter for the positions of mayor and vice mayor.

After six years of public service as mayor, vice mayor and a city commissioner, Sue Weller was retiring from government service and stepping down from the City Hall dais. In a departure from the standard arrangement, her microphone was decorated with an array of various colored balloons as a celebratory parting gift from some citizens sad to see her leave.

The first order of business was the swearing in of Linda Jones by City Clerk Jenny Parham. Several commissioners gave short speeches commending Weller for her term of service. Weller thanked the commission and citizens of High Springs for their support and stepped down from the dais. Although she was retiring from the commission, she said she'd still be around and still involved in her community. Her immediate plans, however, included travel with her husband.

Although Commissioner Jones took Weller's vacant seat on the dais, it was not long before a shuffling of positions occurred due to the election of a new mayor and vice mayor for the 2016/2017 term.

Following the election of Gloria James as the city's newest mayor and Jason Evens as vice mayor, another shuffling of seats occurred. The whole process had the look of a game of government musical chairs as the members rearranged positions, and sometimes actual chairs, as the audience chuckled. Parham made sure everyone's name tags went with the proper seating arrangement to help eliminate any further confusion during the rest of the meeting.

Once the members had taken their seats, appointments and re-appointments to various city boards were approved by the new commission. Linda Hewlett and Linda Schaladant were both reappointed to the Parks and Recreation Board while Daniel Wise was approved as an alternate for the board. Donald Alderman was approved as a new appointment to the High Springs Plan Board. Barbara Miller and Nancy Linkous were re-appointed to the Code Enforcement Board.

Voting on the positions of mayor and vice mayor take place each year in November, while some of the other board appointments have longer terms.

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Eastside High School NJROTC Navy Cadet James Whitney places a wreath at the veteran’s monument during the Waldo Veterans Day ceremony. (Today photo/RAY CARSON)


WALDO – Each Nov. 11, America honors its veterans who have served, and in some cases died, to preserve the freedoms and values of democracy. It is a day to reflect on the courage and sacrifice of the men and women who were willing to leave their homes, family and jobs to serve their country and put themselves in harm’s way.

Communities, large, small and those in between, hold ceremonies as a way to remember and to thank those who served and continue to serve. This past Friday, Waldo was one of those communities that reflected on the history and meaning of today’s Veterans Day.

The date was originally chosen to celebrate the end of World War I. It was 1918 and the world had spent four years in a conflict that cost over 15 million lives. It was a brutal war like none before, where new killing technology created massive battle losses while the military leaders still used outdated tactics. In many cases, there was little movement in the battle lines over the course of the war. Germany, England and France had exhausted their armies in a war of attrition with the soldiers stalemated in trench warfare.

For the United States, The first troops arrived in the summer of 1917, but did not enter combat until the spring of 1918, yet in that short seven months, there were 204,000 casualties with over 116,000 deaths.

For a war weary world, Nov. 11 celebrated the end of hostilities in what would be called “the war to end all wars.” Many countries created holidays to remember the soldiers' sacrifices. In America, President Woodrow Wilson dedicated Nov. 11 as Armistice Day to commemorate “the heroism of those who died in their countries service and with gratitude for their victory.” Congress passed a bill to recognize the official date in 1926 and Armistice Day was made an official national holiday in 1938.

Tragically, World War I was not the “war to end all wars.” Between 1938 and 1941 the world again would sink into an all-out war that would cost over 48 million lives including 400,000 American soldiers. World War II would be the greatest mobilization of armed forces, which created a large force of returning veterans. The government's Veterans Affairs Bureau was created to help deal with those returning veterans. After the end of the Korean War, it was decided to change the name from Armistice Day to Veterans Day to honor all veterans who had served in our armed forces in all capacities, not just soldiers who fought in the two World Wars. Today, the holiday honors all veterans who have served in war or peacetime.

For the past four years, the small town of Waldo has held a ceremony on Nov. 11 to honor its veterans. This year marked the first time it was held in the city park, where a wreath was laid at a monument to its veterans.

About 30 people attended the ceremony including 12 veterans. The ceremony began with the crowd reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, the playing of the National Anthem and a prayer for all veterans who made the final sacrifice. Eastside High School NJROTC Navy Cadet James Whitney then laid the wreath at the monument garden, which contains three markers honoring veterans, police officers and firefighters.

Joe Lipsey was the emcee for the event and introduced Waldo Mayor Louie Davis, who served in the Army from 1965 to 1968. Davis spoke about the sense of duty and sacrifices that veterans make for their country and introduced the keynote speaker, former Marine Sergeant Major Pat McCullough.

McCollough was the first female to serve as a Sergeant Major on board a ship and the first women assigned to Air Defense. While in the Marines she met her husband, L.D. McCollough, who served 21 years in the Marines. McCollough spoke about her experiences as a Marine and the progress that women have made in the service and the special challenges they face in a male dominated career. She also talked about the sense of duty all service personnel feel. She spoke of the willingness to do whatever it takes to defend the country, even if it means sacrificing your life.

“When an enemy raises their hand against our nation, our military is there to protect and defend. It doesn't matter where you are, we will do our job and come and get you” she said.

The oldest veteran at the event was Emery Raymond Estes. A lifelong resident of Waldo, Estes is now 92 years old. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, he joined the Marines at the age of 17 and saw combat at Bougainville and Saipan.

After the ceremony, there was a tour of the train museum and lunch supplied by the City of Waldo. The Waldo Historical Society and the Community Center Seniors Group also helped organize the event to honor their fellow citizens who took the time from their lives to serve the country.

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