W - Trains

To the model train enthusiasts attending the National Model Railroad Association workshop, restoring model trains is an art and a science. And as these model train hobbyists can attest, it often takes glue, creativity and persistence.

ALACHUA – Forty-three railroad modelers from across northern Florida gathered at the First United Methodist Church of Alachua on Jan. 31 to attend a meeting and workshops sponsored by the North Central Florida Model Railroad Club in Alachua.

The Northern Division of the Sunshine Region of the National Model Railroad Association put on the program which included a workshop about using LED lighting in railroad models, presented by Larry Eggering from Jacksonville. A second workshop was led by David Orr of Jacksonville who described and demonstrated some techniques for weathering model railroad rolling stock. Harold McGee from Gainesville presented some of the history of railroads in North Central Florida.

The program also included a “show-and-tell” session. Eric Peterson, Richard Mellon, David Orr, Richard Paul, Rich Miller, Allen Scott and Sam Viviano talked about models they had brought for display. The High Springs Historical Society described the model in their museum of the former Atlantic Coast Line maintenance facilities in High Springs.

“Many more people showed up than I would have expected,” said High Springs resident Sam Viviano who specializes in restoring old trains in damaged condition to almost new. “I have two trains that are 78 years old...my age,” he said. Most of the trains he brought to share with others were 50-70 years old. “I look in junk train boxes and put trains together and restore them.”

He explained that sometimes that can be difficult. “I was looking for wheels for one train. They aren't made any longer,” he said. He eventually found a merchant that still had the old wheels in stock and ordered them. When they arrived, there were no axles. After searching for axles, which he was unable to find, he went into Sheffield's Hardware one day and showed Mrs. Sheffield an axle. “Do you have anything that's this shape?” he asked. She rummaged around in a nail bin and pulled out something close that he was able to make into an axle. “That's how it goes when you're trying to restore old items,” he said.

“I received eight business cards or phone numbers from people I met at this event who want me to help guide them through restoring old trains,” he said.

Viviano, a retired teacher, donated a train layout to the High Springs Historic Society to help get youngsters interested in railroading. “Model railroading teaches kids so much,” he said. “Kids learn about art, architecture, mechanics, electricity and a whole host of things they would never be motivated to look into if they weren't interested in model railroading,” he said.

One couple, both of whom are members of the High Springs Historic Society, attended after hearing about the event from a friend in Chiefland. Jayne and Pete Woodward said the historic society is working on an 8 x 24-feet diorama depicting the late 1800s to early 1900s in High Springs, which includes the railroad. “We were able to get some interesting and valuable insights and information on railroad history and modeling techniques,” said Jayne Woodward.

After the meeting, attendees were invited to view the layout placed by the North Central Florida Model Railroad Club at the Alachua Chamber of Commerce and Historical Museum. They were also invited to visit the clubhouse, located upstairs in the Old Copeland Plan, where several more layouts were on display. For additional information about this organization, visit www.ncfmodelrailroad.com.

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HS dispatch S5000326

Residents address the High Springs City Commission during a Jan. 20, 2015 workshop to discuss the future of the town's emergency dispatch services.

HIGH SPRINGS – Local versus county dispatch of High Springs Police Department (HSPD) emergency calls was the topic of the Jan. 20 High Springs City Commission workshop. This issue has been a hot-button topic for a number of years and in 2012 High Springs brought back dispatch duties to the HSPD from Alachua County.

A panel of county representatives was on hand to answer questions and explain how the transition might benefit the safety of citizens and HSPD officers, should the commission decide to contract with Alachua County for dispatch services.

Alachua County Director for the Office of E911/Communications Keith Godwin, Alachua County Sheriff's Office (ACSO) Technical Services Division Manager Jim Lanier and ACSO Chief Deputy Col. David Huckstep made up the panel. Lanier is responsible for 911 communications at ACSO.

High Springs City Manager Ed Booth said the workshop was scheduled because commissioners had asked for it and also because some police officers had expressed concerns. “The system that is in place right now is not safe for them,” he said. One reason is that with only one dispatcher on duty, “that person could be taking a citizen's call when an officer needs assistance. If the City decides to keep dispatch local,” he said, “at least two dispatchers need to be on duty at a time.” That requirement would mean the City of High Springs will have to hire three more dispatchers to provide adequate coverage for both the citizens and the officers.

Booth said the city's fire department, which is dispatched by the county, leaves the fire department before the police dispatcher is able to dispatch police officers to the same call. “You can hear it,” he said. “First you hear the fire engine's siren, then a little bit later you hear the police siren. There is lag time between the two calls,” he said.

He explained the process by which each of those calls is received and explained that the police officers should be able to be dispatched at least at the same time as the fire fighters.

“We are building the best police department any small town could have,” said Booth. “I need a second dispatcher per shift.”

Finance Director Jennifer Stull presented information showing that the cost to the City of High Springs with the addition of three dispatchers would be $389,995. She compared that with the cost of Alachua County handling dispatching at $183,182.

Based on the number of calls received by HSPD dispatchers that would have gone to Alachua County, had they dispatched the calls, the cost would have been $105,096, calculated at 7,164 calls at $14.67 per call. Stull pointed out that when the county had the city's dispatching duties, about three years ago, the cost was about $75,000, but she was erring on the side of caution to calculate the highest amount the City could have been billed.

Booth said if the city commissioners chose to let the county handle dispatching duties, he had spoken with Sheriff Darnell and she said she would hire any qualified dispatcher the city had on staff.

One area of confusion seemed to be around the issue of re-addressing the streets to accommodate the county's E-911 grid system. Huckstep said the Sheriff would require that the City readdress the streets by September 2015. He said the City was asked to do that previously, but no effort was made by theCity to accomplish that.

Godwin explained the city didn't have to change street addressing if they chose not to go with county dispatch. But he pointed out that going to the E-911 grid system would lessen confusion for everyone. “There are three cities in the county named 'Main Street.' It has been confusing often for dispatchers to know which Main Street a caller is calling about.” He suggested the City call their Main Street “High Springs Main Street” to improve communication in emergencies.

High Springs Fire Chief Bruce Gillingham said the City was going to be required to change their street signs to reflective signs within the next two years. Godwin said he thought the county would pay for those signs if the city re-addresses their streets to conform to E-911 addressing.

One of the benefits of having the county dispatch for HSPD is that the county 911 system has 14-16 trained dispatchers on duty for every shift.   Another benefit is that calls are dispatched to a computer, which each officer has in his car. Officers can see the calls as they come in so there is less lag time than with the current system. Everyone is hooked into the same system and can hear if an officer is having a problem or needs assistance and proceed accordingly.

Godwin explained that the county's state-of-the-art system was recently updated to keep up with technological advances. He pointed out that the high cost of keeping up with advancing technology becomes cost prohibitive for smaller cities.

While no decision was made about changing dispatch service from HSPD to the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office, it is expected the High Springs City Commission will take up the questions of re-addressing and changes to HSPD's dispatch methods at a formal city commission meeting in February.

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Dr. Owen Roberts takes educational pulse of community

W - Alachua school forum DSC 0022Alachua County Superintendent of Schools Owen Roberts responds to community members attending the Alachua school forum and explains his vision of achieving excellence in education

ALACHUA – Alachua County Superintendent of Schools Owen Roberts has been front and center listening to communities voice their thoughts about the local school system. High Springs held the first forum in Alachua County on Oct. 16 and since then Roberts has been on the circuit throughout the county conducting listening sessions. The latest such session was held in Alachua on Thursday, Jan. 15.

A crowd of parents, teachers, administrators and community members turned out at the Alachua Woman’s Club to participate in the forum that centered on local schools Irby Elementary, Alachua Elementary, Mebane Middle School and Santa Fe High School.

Participants were divided into working groups that tackled a series of questions posed by Jackie Johnson, Public Information Officer for the school board. Johnson transcribed comments onto oversized yellow paper that was mounted on easels for group discussion. Roberts told meeting participants that he would listen to their input and he was prepared to consider every recommendation or suggestion made.

Issues raised included the existing economic disparity in the area as compared to Gainesville, the potential for crime due to ease of access from I-75, excessive school testing and that a school’s grade could be detrimental to future local economic development.

Many comments were in a positive vein and spoke about the strong faith-based aspect of the community, the importance of agriculture, the educational pipeline starting with elementary school through high school and then to college, referencing the Santa Fe College Perry Center for Emerging Technologies located across U.S. Highway 441 from the Progress Park and the Sid Martin Biotech Center. A number of participants agreed the area is a tight-knit community where there is a sense of familiarity amongst the residents and community leaders are involved in the schools. Hailed as areas of excellence were the recreation program, the public library and the community’s population diversity.

Suggestions to improve educational opportunities included additional tutoring programs for students, increased parental involvement, additional partnering with local businesses, conducting school activities on Saturdays and encouraging schools to have school-wide activities and celebrations rather than restricted to a single grade or classroom.

In closing the session, Roberts referenced districtwide strategies including a renewed focus on language development. “A child’s achievement is tied to their ability to use language, and that is critical,” Roberts said. He also noted that while schools are a vital catalyst for positive change, it takes commitment from all parts of the community to make transformative changes in schools.

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Tenth Anniversary Celebration

Alachua MLK DSC 0039

Dr. King was a true prophet who spoke to the true consciousness of this nation

--Pastor Natron Curtis

‘Recognize all we have accomplished together’

-- Alachua City Manager Traci Cain

‘Create a dream that you have’

-- Master of Ceremony Wilma Rogers

‘We are living the dream’

--Chief of Police Joel DeCoursey, Jr.

‘Everybody can be great - everybody can serve’

--Pastor Natron Curtis

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W - coqui

Coquí Radiopharmaceuticals President and CEO Carmen Bigles will be leading the company's operations.

ALACHUA – Coquí Radiopharmaceuticals has officially secured a 25-acre plot of land for their future facility in Alachua.

The University of Florida transferred the land to the company with the conditions they develop the road needed to access the land and they receive approval from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

President and CEO of Coquí, Carmen Bigles, said she is thrilled about the land transfer.

“I’m ecstatic,” Bigles said. “I’m so happy to be part of Alachua, and I can’t wait to break ground.”

Coquí Radiopharmaceuticals is a medical isotope company and will be the first commercial company to produce Molybdenum-99, an isotope used to create Technicium-99m.

Technicium-99m is used in the diagnosis of many illnesses such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, coronary disease and even Parkinson’s. According to Bigles, it is used in approximately 50,000 medical diagnostic procedures per day in the U.S.

Technicium-99m is currently not being produced in the U.S. and many major producers of the isotope are shutting down.

Bigles said there are many other benefits to producing Technicium-99m domestically. The isotope has a very short shelf life and cannot be stockpiled, Bigles said. Therefore, producing it within the U.S. will make it more readily available to patients around the country.

The production of Technicium-99m within the country will benefit more than just the patients who need it, Bigles said.

“[It] is really important, not just for the patients that need it, but it’s also really important to progress in medicine,” she said. “You need this to also do the research and studies of it.”

When deciding on a location for their facility, Bigles said they originally wanted to do it in Puerto Rico. When it became apparent that would not work, she said they were drawn to Florida because of the University of Florida.

She said they were excited about the possibility to partner with the university’s research groups and scientists.

Bigles also said she felt a pull to the area when she came for her first meeting. Rick Staab, who is part of Tyler’s Hope Foundation, had offered her his boardroom to hold the meeting.

Staab’s children have Dystonia, a neurological movement disorder characterized by involuntary muscle contractions. Tyler’s Hope is a foundation working toward the cure for dystonia.

Bigles said when she went into the building, there is a poster Tyler had made in the third grade perfectly describing what Molybdenum-99 was and what it did and why it was important.

“I always think of it as if it was meant to be,” Bigles said.

Win Phillips of the University of Florida said the university agreed to the land transfer because the growth of business is exactly what that land was intended for. According to Phillips, the parcel of land is adjacent to Progress Corporate Park.

“The whole intent of Progress Park is economic development and attracting business and opportunities in this town,” Phillips said.

“The deal is that Coquí locating there brings appreciation to that property. And the fact that they are willing to bring in development of that property increases the value of that property and the adjacent lands and the opportunity that other companies will locate there,” he added.

Phillips also said the university is looking forward to the partnering of their researchers and resources with Coquí.

“We think it’s a great opportunity for the joint development between Coquí Pharmaceuticals and ourselves,” he said.

Bigles said the facility is expected to bring 200 new permanent jobs to Alachua with average salaries around $80,000. This facility will draw new families to the area as well, creating more business.

Bigles says they hope to have all the necessary documents submitted to the NRC by the end of 2015. The NRC will then look over and evaluate the plans. If everything goes accordingly, Bigles said they hope to break ground in 2017, being operational by 2020.

“I’m just ecstatic that we will be part of all the brainpower that is emerging from Alachua.”

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HS MLK IMG 0007The High Springs community came together Monday, uniting in their commitment to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

HIGH SPRINGS – The High Springs Community Development Association (CDA), in conjunction with the City of High Springs and McDonalds in Alachua, sponsored a Commemorative March in celebration of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday on Mon., Jan. 19. The march began at City Hall and culminated at Catherine L. Taylor Park.

Master of Ceremonies at the park location was Rev. Byran Williams, CDA President. Speakers included Rev. Morris and Gloria Kelly. Music and singing were also part of the celebration. Refreshments were provided to help celebrate the event.

“We have been conducting events around MLK's birthday for at least 15 years,” according to Rev. Williams. “We have a weekend of events to celebrate each year.”

In addition to the march, which attracted about 75 people, an open service was held on Thursday, Jan. 15, King's actual birthday, at Allen Chapel AME Church, 10 S.E. MLK Blvd., and a 4 p.m., Sunday worship service was held on Jan. 18 at Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church, 948 S.E. Railroad Avenue.

Church service offerings, donations and proceeds from the weekend events are donated to the High Springs Child Care MLK Center, 125 S.E. Douglas Street.

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W - Publix 1 DSC 0612A much anticipated Publix supermarket slated for Alachua appears to be underway as site preparation has begun on the property located along U.S. Highway 441 and adjacent to Santa Fe High School in Alachua. Land clearing crews were at work on the property where the proposed Publix is to occupy 46,031 square feet of a 56,431 building. It is expected that another 10,400 square feet will be divided among eight retail bays. Michael Ryals of Bosshardt Realty confirmed that the developer has closed on the real estate, and that they have commitments on roughly three quarters of the retail spaces. Among the shops planned for the space is a restaurant, salon services, nail services and a liquor store. On Nov. 18, the City of Alachua’s Planning and Zoning board gave the nod to a site plan presented by developers of the property. Ryals said actual construction could begin as earlier as this month or next.

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