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ALACHUA COUNTY - The Alachua County Public Works Department will be performing road construction on SW 8th Avenue and SW 61st Street between Tower Road (SW 75th Street) and SW 20th Avenue beginning September 9, 2024.

The construction will require SW 8th Avenue and SW 61st Street between Tower Road (SW 75th Street) and SW 20th Avenue to be closed to through traffic beginning September 9, 2024.

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Detours will be in place to redirect through traffic on SW 8th Avenue/SW 61st Street via Tower Road (SW 75th Street)/SW 17th Road/SW 20th Avenue.

The work is anticipated to take three weeks to complete, and through traffic will be prohibited on SW 8th Avenue and SW 61st Street between Tower Road (SW 75th Street) and SW 20th Avenue during this time. Residents and local traffic will have access to their properties, but through traffic will be required to utilize the detour.

The work will include constructing two raised concrete crosswalks along the SW 8th Avenue/SW 61st Street corridor.

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HIGH SPRINGS ‒ Thomas Henry, former Director of Public Works and Acting City Manager of High Springs, has filed a lawsuit against the City of High Springs, seeking damages exceeding $50,000 for wrongful termination and other claims. The suit also demands a jury trial and lists 52 allegations, including accusations of retaliatory and intimidating practices by City officials that created a hostile work environment.

Henry's employment with the City spanned from March 7, 2022, until his termination on April 15, 2024. The lawsuit alleges that since at least 2023, Henry has been both a witness to and victim of improper employment practices, which he claims were perpetuated by High Springs officials, including former City Commissioner Linda Jones and current Mayor Katherine Weitz.

The lawsuit claims Henry faced retaliation after objecting to and reporting repeated violations of City policy and the City Charter by Weitz and Finance Director Diane Wilson. Henry specifically accused Wilson of improperly selling devalued City property without authorization, which allegedly resulted in lost revenue for the City. According to the suit, Henry reported these actions to the Assistant City Manager and other City officials but was later terminated for his allegations against Weitz and Wilson.

A central point of contention in the lawsuit revolves around alleged violations of Section 2.06 of the City Charter, which restricts City Commissioners from interfering in personnel matters outside their jurisdiction. The suit asserts that both Jones and Weitz repeatedly violated these rules by directly interfering with city staff and operations.

The complaint further accuses Weitz of overstepping her role by investigating City matters independently, presenting incorrect information at commission meetings, and targeting specific City officials and employees, creating a toxic workplace.

The lawsuit claims that Weitz's actions were consistent with the objectives of her mentor, former Commissioner Jones, who had expressed intentions to remove several City officials during her term.

Additionally, the suit outlines multiple incidents involving Finance Director Wilson who was hired in April 2022. It alleges that Wilson was insubordinate and incompetent in her role, leading to significant financial discrepancies in the city’s budget and operational conflicts. Despite a decision by then City Manager Ashley Stathatos to terminate Wilson for these reasons, the lawsuit states that Weitz and others intervened to protect Wilson, complicating City management and contributing to the hostile environment.

The lawsuit also details a series of conflicts and disputes surrounding budget management and financial oversight. It claims that Wilson manipulated budget allocations, resulting in over $2 million in expenditures exceeding appropriations, and that she failed to disclose critical information to the city commission. The lawsuit further states that “the City received a letter from the [State of Florida] Joint Legislative Audit Committee requesting a written explanation for the status of corrective action for the specified audit findings High Springs had failed to correct. Under Wilson’s watch expenditures exceeded appropriations (the final approved budget) by over two million dollars.”

Henry's lawsuit seeks to hold the City of High Springs accountable for the alleged violations and the ensuing damage to his career and professional reputation. When contacted for comment about the lawsuit, High Springs City Attorney Scott Walker said, “Since this involves ongoing litigation, I would prefer not to comment at this time. It will all get sorted out eventually.” High Springs Mayor Katherine Weitz said, “I am unaware that the City has been served with a lawsuit. I would not comment on anything active.”

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ALACHUA ‒ A 51-year-old man from New York, Umardeo Roopnarine, was arrested on Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024, and charged with stalking and burglary after allegedly breaking into his ex-girlfriend's home in Alachua and hiding inside.

The incident occurred when Roopnarine reportedly entered the woman's house while she was away and concealed himself in a child's room. Upon her return with friends the next morning, the victim discovered him crouching in a corner, where he gestured for her to remain quiet. She immediately alerted her friends, who distracted Roopnarine while she called the police.

An officer from the Alachua Police Department (APD) had already been dispatched to the residence the previous day, Aug. 21, 2024, after the victim reported that Roopnarine had followed her from New York to Florida. According to her, she had allowed him to live in her new home temporarily but had asked him to leave. The victim described an incident in which she awoke to find Roopnarine holding a knife, threatening to kill both her and himself if she refused to be with him. Fearing for her safety, she reported the incident to the authorities.

Officers were unable to locate Roopnarine at the residence on Aug. 21, but they did find his car parked down the road. Later, they observed him walking out of the victim's driveway. When questioned by the police, Roopnarine denied threatening the victim and claimed they had moved to Florida together. He agreed to leave the property voluntarily and was formally trespassed from the premises. Despite his admission, officers found no probable cause to arrest him at that time.

The situation escalated when Roopnarine was discovered inside the home the following morning on Aug. 22, 2024. Post-Miranda, he reportedly admitted to entering through a locked rear door the previous night to “take a shower and rest,” despite knowing he was not permitted on the property.

Roopnarine was charged with burglary, stalking, and trespassing after a warning. During his initial court appearance, he informed a court official that he had been in the area for two weeks and disclosed a prior criminal conviction in New York from 2017.

Judge Kristine Van Vorst ordered Roopnarine held without bail pending a hearing on a motion from the State Attorney's Office to hold him without bail until trial. Bail was later set at $100,000.

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GAINESVILLE – Santa Fe College's Cardiovascular Sonography Program is offering free ultrasound tests for heart and carotid arteries this fall. These tests are available to Santa Fe employees, their families, friends, and the general public, providing an excellent opportunity for individuals to check their cardiovascular health at no cost.

The only requirement for participants is that they must be at least 18 years old. The ultrasound tests are designed to assess the heart's structure and function and check for any potential blockages in the carotid arteries, which are vital for carrying blood to the brain.

Testing will take place in the W-Annex on Santa Fe College's Northwest Campus located at 3000 NW 83rd Street, Gainesville. The available dates for these tests are:

  • Friday, Aug. 30
  • Friday, Sept. 27
  • Friday, Oct. 25

This initiative aims to provide a valuable service to the community while offering hands-on learning experiences for students in the Cardiovascular Sonography Program. Participants will not only benefit from early detection of potential heart and vascular issues but also contribute to the practical training of future healthcare professionals.

Anyone interested in taking part in these free tests is encouraged to contact Jennifer Weeks at 352-395-5972 or via email at to schedule an appointment or get more information.

Don’t miss this opportunity to take a proactive step toward your health and support the education of Santa Fe College's students. For more information, visit the Santa Fe College website or reach out directly to the contact provided.

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HIGH SPRINGS ‒ A 60-year-old man from Alachua was arrested Monday afternoon, Aug. 19, 2024, after allegedly driving a tractor under the influence of alcohol and without a valid license on Main Street in High Springs.

The High Springs Police Department (HSPD) reported that around 4:40 p.m., an officer observed a green John Deere tractor weaving across lanes as it traveled north on Main Street. According to the officer’s report, the tractor crossed a double yellow line twice and entered the opposite lane to pass a line of cars, prompting a traffic stop.

The driver, identified as Rance Edward Shannon, presented a Florida identification card rather than a valid driver’s license when stopped. The officer noted two beers on the floorboard of the tractor and detected a strong odor of urine and alcohol emanating from Shannon. Additionally, Shannon’s speech was reportedly slurred, and he had difficulty standing when exiting the tractor.

Shannon was reportedly unable to perform field sobriety exercises “due to his level of influence.”

Further investigation revealed Shannon’s extensive criminal history, including 16 felony convictions—five of which were violent—and two previous felony DUI convictions. Shannon also has 36 misdemeanor convictions, including three for DUI, and has served seven state prison sentences. His most recent release was in September 2023.

Bail was set at $4,000 by Judge Kristine Van Vorst with a requirement for a Transdermal Alcohol Detection device.

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ALACHUA ‒ The Alachua Police Department (APD) conducted an intensive active shooter training session on Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2024, at the Santa Fe Institute of Public Safety. The training, hosted by C3 Pathways / NCIER, focused on equipping APD supervisors and officers with the necessary skills to respond effectively to active shooter situations.

The training session, named Active Shooter Incident Management Basic Training, aimed to prepare law enforcement personnel, fire departments, and EMS responders to handle active shooter incidents swiftly and efficiently.

Active shooter incidents are unpredictable and can happen anywhere, from schools and workplaces to public spaces. The devastating impact of these events has highlighted the critical need for comprehensive training for first responders, including law enforcement, fire departments, and emergency medical services (EMS). Active shooter training is essential for preparing first responders to effectively manage and mitigate these high-stress, rapidly evolving situations.

The training brought together various law enforcement agencies, highlighting the importance of interagency cooperation in emergency situations. By fostering a unified approach to crisis management, the training sought to improve communication and coordination among different first responders, ensuring a more effective response during critical incidents.

Every second counts during an active shooter incident. Proper training helps reduce response times by ensuring that first responders are familiar with their roles and can quickly deploy strategies to contain the threat. The program emphasizes three critical components: Command, Control, and Communications. These elements are crucial in ensuring that all first responders work as a cohesive team during emergencies, understanding their roles, and executing their duties seamlessly to protect and save lives.

APD emphasized the importance of such training in an online post, stating, “We're committed to the safety and well-being of our community, and continuous training like this is a critical part of that commitment.”

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GAINESVILLE - University of Florida officials are celebrating its first “smart garden,” a 320-square-foot agricultural pod outfitted to grow fruits and vegetables hydroponically.

“It’s essentially a shipping container similar to one used to ship goods from Asia or Europe to the United States,” said James Boyer, Plant Science Research and Education Unit (PSREU) director of research administration.

Ying Zhang, UF/IFAS assistant professor of controlled environments, is leading a team of researchers studying indoor agriculture techniques by growing lettuce inside the pod. The team marked its first harvest earlier this month.

Boyer said he expects the garden to produce 500 heads of lettuce a week, and the food will be transported to Gainesville for use by the Hitchcock Field and Fork Pantry.

The Citra smart garden is funded through a collaboration with Clay Electric Cooperative, Seminole Electric Cooperative and EPRI, an independent, non-profit energy R&D organization. In 2022, Seminole Electric, EPRI and Suwannee Valley Electric Cooperative funded a similar project at the UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center in Live Oak.

By outfitting the pods with efficient HVAC, lighting, water pump and dehumidification systems, the electric companies hope to better understand indoor agriculture’s impact on the electric grid.

“Indoor agriculture is a rapidly emerging industry across the U.S.,” said David Porter, EPRI’s vice president of electrification and sustainable energy strategy. “Within the indoor agriculture industry, we are seeing a rapid evolution of efficient and innovative designs, technologies and solutions that help deliver nutritional crops year-round.”

Although Seminole Electric currently owns the container, it will become UF property after two years.

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TALLAHASSEE – On July 11, 2024, Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Wilton Simpson announced enforcement actions against Just Brands, LLC and High Roller Private Label, LLC for selling and manufacturing hundreds of thousands of hemp products attractive to children in violation of s. 581.217(7), F.S. The enforcement actions include a five-year ban on the sale of any food products, including hemp products, in Florida for Just Brands, LLC; and a two-year ban on the manufacture of hemp gummies in Florida for High Roller Private Label, LLC.

“One of my top responsibilities as Florida’s Commissioner of Agriculture is ensuring the safety of our food and protecting Florida’s consumers, especially our children. These historic enforcement actions mark a significant step in our ongoing efforts to protect kids over profits and rein in the hemp industry in Florida,” said Commissioner Wilton Simpson. “Prior to the changes made to Florida law in 2023, Florida’s hemp industry was out of control and products were being sold without restrictions, including allowing sales to children with marketing and packaging specifically targeting them. While I believe Florida’s laws need to be strengthened, make no mistake, we will use every inch of our current authority to protect Florida’s children from these products and go after those who violate the law.”

On October 31, 2023, FDACS conducted a food inspection at a Just Brands, LLC facility and found violations, including the sale of hemp products attractive to children in violation of s. 581.217(7), F.S. As a result, FDACS issued Stop Sale Orders for 215,154 hemp products. During a reinspection on January 22, 2024, FDACS discovered that Just Brands, LLC had violated these orders by relocating the products, with shipments tracked to Chicago, Illinois. Subsequent inspections on January 29 and February 5, 2024, confirmed the removal of all 215,154 packages from the facility without permission by FDACS. Between December 6, 2023, and February 5, 2024, Just Brands moved, sold, or used all the packages subject to the Stop Sale Orders without the FDACS’s knowledge.

On April 2, 2024, FDACS conducted a food inspection at a High Roller Private Label, LLC facility and found over 186,000 packages of hemp products attractive to children in violation of s. 581.217(7), F.S. To prevent potential harm, FDACS issued stop-sale orders for 186,377 packages of hemp products and 644 packages containing synthetic cannabinoids, specifically "THC-O" and "HHCO."

Settlement Terms:

 Just Brands, LLC has agreed to the following terms:

  • Permit Revocation: Just Brands will accept a five-year revocation of its Food Permit, prohibiting the company from owning or operating any food establishment in Florida requiring a permit from FDACS, the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, or the Department of Health.
  • Payment of Enforcement Costs: Just Brands will reimburse FDACS a total of $60,500.00 for attorney's fees and enforcement costs.
  • Dismissal of Pending Actions: Just Brands will file appropriate documents to dismiss the proceedings pending before the Southern District of Florida in Case Number 23-cv-62081.

High Roller Private Label, LLC has agreed to the following terms:

  • Restriction on Manufacture of Hemp Gummies: High Roller will cease the manufacture, distribution, and sale of gummy hemp extract products in Florida for two years.
  • Payment of Enforcement Costs: High Roller will reimburse FDACS $5,000.00 for attorney's fees and enforcement costs incurred during the dispute.

During the 2023 legislative session, Commissioner Wilton Simpson worked with the Florida Legislature to reform Florida’s hemp laws to better protect consumers and children. SB 1676 added age requirements for the purchase of hemp products intended for human consumption, protected Florida’s minors by prohibiting the sale of hemp products that are attractive to children, protects consumers by mandating that products sold in Florida be packaged in a safe container, and holds hemp products that are intended for human consumption to the same health and safety standards as other food products.

To enforce the law, the department conducted the largest ever inspection sweep of businesses selling products that contain hemp extracts in July and August of 2023. The statewide inspection sweeps specifically targeted the sale of hemp products that are attractive to children, which is prohibited by Florida law. The sweep included inspections of more than 700 businesses in all 67 Florida counties and uncovered over 83,000 packages of hemp products, including euphoric, high-potency THC products, attractive to children. Since July 1, 2023, the department has uncovered over 668,000 packages of hemp products attractive to children.

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TALALAHASSEE - The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Division of Law Enforcement along with other law enforcement partners participated in Operation Dry Water’s heightened enforcement weekend July 4-6. With the Fourth of July falling on a Thursday this year the heightened patrol efforts extended through Sunday, July 7.

ODW is a year-round national effort to educate recreational boaters about the dangers of Boating Under the Influence of alcohol or drugs and their mission is to reduce the number of alcohol- and drug0related incidents and fatalities on the water.

The Northeast Region of the FWC DLE consists of 12 counties including St. Johns County on the north end, down to Indian River County on the east coast, and west over to Sumter County. The region’s officers and staff were proactive in getting boating safety messaging out to the public prior to the holiday and they continued educating the public while remaining on the lookout for reckless or impaired operators during the popular Fourth of July boating weekend.

Between July 4-7, FWC officers in the Northeast Region cited 157 vessel operators for boating safety violations, issued 778 boating safety warnings and removed 11 vessel operators from the water for BUI. The highest Blood Alcohol Content reported was .11. In Florida, it is illegal to operate a vessel with a BAC of .08 or higher, the same as in a vehicle. Operating a vessel while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is illegal on all bodies of water and the use of both legal and illegal drugs impairs judgement and reaction time, whichcan lead to serious injuries and consequences. Statewide, over 50 vessel operators were removed from the waterways of Florida for BUI during the heightened enforcement and holiday weekend.

“Our message over the Operation Dry Water weekend was the same as it is all year long,” said Maj. Jay Russel, Northeast Regional Commander. “Never boat under the influence. The Fourth of July holiday has been known for increased boating activity as well as increased alcohol consumption, every hour our officers spent on the water was aimed at educating and safeguarding everyone out enjoying our waterways. We know the potential our presence has to save lives and we take that very seriously.”

The FWC reminds all boaters to enjoy time with friends and family but do so safely and don’t forget to designate a sober operator before departing from the dock. More information about boating and boating regulations in Florida can be found by visiting and boaters can learn more about boating under the influence and the Operation Dry Water campaign by visiting

To report dangerous boating activity the public can submit anonymous tips by texting 847411 (Tip411) with keyword “FWC” followed by the location and any information about the violation or call 888-404-FWCC (3922). Additionally, there is an easy-to-use downloadable iPhone or Android app: “FWC Wildlife Alert.”

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GAINESVILLE ‒ Although plenty of Florida’s craft brewers advertise their libations as brewed with state-grown ingredients, a vital ingredient – hops – is not readily available within the Sunshine State. A University of Florida study currently underway, however, may help pave the way for a robust crop of Florida-grown hops.

Beer HopsAromaTesting0006Researchers with UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) believe they have identified a method for making hop-growing viable despite Florida’s incompatible climate: greenhouses.

“This has never been done in Florida,” said Katherine Thompson-Witrick, an assistant professor in the UF/IFAS food science and human nutrition department and the leader of the study.

In 2021, the Florida craft brewing industry generated $4.1 billion for the state, the fourth-largest amount in the country, according to the Brewers Association, a Colorado-based organization that monitors the industry.

Since January 2023, when the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services awarded Thompson-Witrick and her team a grant, they have harvested two crops of hops from a greenhouse at the UF/IFAS Mid-Florida Research and Education Center in Apopka. In June, they hope to harvest again. Their objective is to develop cultivation practices that maximize aromatic and flavor characteristics comparable to those associated with traditional craft beer-brewing regions like Yakima Valley in Washington.

Thompson-Witrick’s team planted 20, 2-inch-tall seedlings of Cascade and Chinook varieties in April 2023. By July 2023, the plants had reached 20 feet tall, and the vines had to be manually separated to prevent them from becoming tangled.

“We saw a substantial amount of growth in the first nine months of this project, which is really outstanding and amazing for us,” Thompson-Witrick said.

The key was supplemental lighting installed within the greenhouse. Hops grow best when afforded at least 16 hours of sunlight, which is available at latitudes of 35 degrees and above; Florida’s uppermost latitude reaches just 31 degrees. The UF/IFAS Gulf Coast Research and Education Center in Balm has conducted breeding studies to develop Florida-compatible hops capable of adapting to the state’s shorter days.

Based on Thompson-Witrick’s preliminary research, the growth and flowering rates of the Apopka plants suggest her method could obtain the same yield of hops – per plant – as Yakima Valley.

But is the product as appealing to the senses?

Thompson-Witrick uses a gas chromatography mass spectrometer to detect the chemical compounds contained within the hops, the alpha and beta assets that quantify how bitter a beer brewed from them would be. For a more subjective analysis, she recruited human volunteers.

Throughout UF’s spring semester, 14 students met regularly to pry open the lids of condiment containers and carefully stick their noses inside.

The contents, resembling shredded alfalfa, were heady, but layered beneath the strong earthy odor were hints of citrus, spice and floral notes. Students took deep sniffs and recorded the strength of the various scents they detected. They smelled both the Apopka hops as well as commercial ones, but they did not know which hops were which.

The repeated sensory trainings will eventually lead to official blind testing and comparison between commercial varieties and Thompson-Witrick’s product.

“We want to disseminate our findings to growers to help with diversifying the state’s agricultural crops and to provide information that would be critical to further cultivating hops,” she said.

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TALLAHASSEE - Today, Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Executive Director Dave Kerner issued the following statement regarding an early morning crash in Marion County between an International Bus transporting 53 people and a Ford Ranger truck:

The Florida Highway Patrol is currently investigating a traffic crash which occurred at approximately 6:35 am, on State Road 40, approximately 500 feet west of SW 148 Court. The collision involved a 2010 International Bus, transporting approximately 53 employees of a farming company, and a 2001 Ford Ranger private truck.

Initial investigation reveals that the two vehicles made contact in a sideswipe type collision. Post collision, the bus traveled off the roadway, through a fence, and then overturned. Currently, eight people have been confirmed deceased and approximately 40 people have been transported to local medical facilities.

At 1:47 PM today, State Troopers assigned to the FHP Northern Region Specialized Investigations and Reconstruction Team (SIRT) arrested Bryan Maclean Howard, the driver of the private Ford Ranger truck, on the following criminal charges – Eight (8) counts of Driving Under the Influence – Manslaughter.    

Identities of the deceased will be released pending next of kin notification. Our sympathies and prayers are with the families of the deceased. Consistent with our duties, the Florida Highway Patrol will conduct both a thorough and exhaustive traffic crash and criminal investigation.

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TALLAHASSEE, FL - Looking for a way to show your support of Florida panther conservation? Consider getting the newly designed Protect the Panther license plate whether you are renewing your Florida plates or licensing your car in the state for the first time.

Staff with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) worked with photographer Carlton Ward and the Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida to design the new plate. The latest design features a stunning photograph taken by Carlton in 2018 depicting a well-known panther — the first female documented north of the Caloosahatchee River since 1973 and also the first female documented to have had kittens north of the river in over 40 years. The Caloosahatchee River has long appeared to be an obstacle to the natural expansion of the population, including the northward movement of female panthers.

The new license plate can be purchased at the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles or by checking with your local tax collector office for availability. When renewing vehicles, Florida motorists can exchange their old plates for the new Protect the Panther plate by going in person to your local tax collector office or the FLHSMV. At this time, the new plates are not available through online renewals but can be purchased in person.

Fees from the Protect the Panther license plate go directly into the Florida Panther Research and Management Trust Fund, which is a critical source of funding for the state’s panther-related research, monitoring and conservation efforts. The long-term public support of this fund has had a direct positive impact on the FWC’s management and research efforts, resulting in timely, science-based information needed to guide current and future conservation actions for Florida panthers. The FWC and conservation partners have made significant progress with panther recovery and the FWC’s panther program relies upon sales of the license plate to continue these conservation efforts.

Florida panthers are native to the state, with the majority of panthers found south of Lake Okeechobee. Florida panthers are listed as an Endangered species under the federal Endangered Species Act. There are approximately 120-230 adult panthers in the population.

Purchasing a Protect the Panther license plate isn’t the only way you can help panthers. Drivers can also help by following all posted speed limits, particularly in panther zones, which are in place in several counties across south Florida to coincide with areas where panthers are known to cross. Panther speed zones help protect both Florida panthers and motorists from vehicle collisions and potential injury. You can also donate directly to the Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida’s Florida Panther Fund to support the rehabilitation and release of injured panthers and help FWC staff and partners locate and protect panthers, including their dens and kittens.

To learn more about Florida panthers and the FWC’s work to conserve the species, visit

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Medication reconciliation is a term used in healthcare that describes the process of comparing a patient’s medication orders in a healthcare institution (hospital or nursing home) to what the patient has been prescribed and taking at home.

The purpose of this short column is to point out that many times patients are admitted to an institution, sometimes in an emergency, and it is difficult to determine what medications have been taken at home. Often when asked about their medicWilliam-Garst-HS.jpgations the response is “I take a blood pressure drug, a blood thinner, something for cholesterol, and something occasionally for arthritis pain.”

Just those four categories of medications probably describe several dozen, if not more, potential medications. What is needed is an exact listing of the medications with their dose (strength), how often they are taken, and when they are taken.


The perfect list of medications would be an official one from the patient’s primary care physician or provider. However, often what is presented at the institution is a handwritten list with the barest of information.

I am suggesting in this short column that a person, each time they see their primary care physician, request a current list of their medications with doses and instructions, to be printed for them or even emailed to them for reference in case of an emergency.

This list would also be helpful to take to their pharmacist for comparison to what the pharmacy has on file in their computer profile. In this way, the pharmacist could request a prescription to be there at the pharmacy before it is needed, if there have been changes to the drug, dose, or how often the medication is taken. In addition, the pharmacist may want to notify the primary care physician of other medications that have been prescribed that are not on the primary care physician's record.

This brings up another important aspect: sometimes other physicians (specialists or emergency department physicians) have prescribed medication for a patient and the primary care physician is unaware and would need to know this addition, even if temporary, for a complete listing of medications.

It is vital that medication regimens be accurate as patients transition between healthcare environments as a matter of safety and proper medication administration. Keep the list handy or scan it into your computer for ready reference.

I hope this column was informative; prosper and be in health.

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William Garst is a consultant pharmacist who lives in Alachua, Florida. He is semi-retired and works part time at Lake Butler Hospital in Lake Butler, Florida. William received his pharmacy degree at Auburn University and a Doctor of Pharmacy from Colorado University. The Pharmacy Newsletter is a blog where you can find other informative columns. He may be contacted at

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The Editorial Board of Alachua County Today has rarely taken to endorsing candidates in local political races; however, there are times when it becomes necessary. Such is the case in the City of High Springs commission races scheduled for Nov. 7, 2023. Up for consideration are four candidates in two races. In Seat 1, electors in High Springs will have the opportunity to select between the incumbent, Ross Ambrose, and Andrew Miller. In Seat 2, voters will consider incumbent, Gloria James, and Steven Tapanes.

For many years, the City of High Springs experienced considerable political tumult, so much so that it created harsh divisions within the community. Over the last few election cycles, voters have managed to regain control of their commission, placing on the dais community-minded, non-partisan commissioners who have been focused on moving High Springs forward, into a more fiscally sound and responsible direction.

Tax increases are rarely, if ever, welcomed by the taxpayers, but tax increases are sometimes necessary. The City of High Springs, like every other small town, is feeling the financial pinch of inflation. We all feel the financial pinch of inflation. Without an increase in taxes this year, the City of High Springs would be setting itself up for financial straits in the years to come. Simply put, the City has to pay someone to fix water pipes, respond to emergencies, put out fires, and maintain the City’s infrastructure. That is to say nothing of the business of running the City. There is no doubt that there are some, including former commissioners, who want to sow divisions, but these efforts are not productive for the citizens.

Some candidates, and one commissioner, who is not up for election this cycle, have criticized the incumbent commissioners for approval of the FY 2023-24 budget, which did include an increase in the millage rate. It’s easy for one commissioner to sit by and criticize, without solution, a budget which she knows will pass while she avoids the political hit by voting against it.

To be sure, there is always work to be done on tightening the belt on government, reducing waste, and finding new and innovative ways to deliver governance and the services the citizens have come to appreciate and expect. The City of High Springs does not exist in a vacuum however, and for that reason, there are simply some economic conditions the City cannot avoid.

It is because of the work done by commissioners like Ross Ambrose and Gloria James that the City has reached a state of stability, a posture that is allowing the City to get its legs underneath it. After years of political disarray and infighting, the City is finally beginning to make headway on projects that hold great promise for the City of High Springs and its residents.

This is not the time to pull the rug out from underneath the commission and management. Instead, voters should reelect Gloria James and Ross Ambrose while encouraging them to seek common ground on budget issues, attempt to increase efficiency, and hold themselves and management accountable.

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I am writing in support of Ross Ambrose for High Springs City Commission. First let me say that I have nothing negative to say about his opponent, and I’m grateful that we have wonderful people willing to serve our great little town. That said, I have plenty of positive reasons to support Ross in this election.

I have known Ross for at 15 years as a neighbor and friend in town. Ross showed his commitment to this town for years by serving on city boards before he ever ran for office. He has always taken anything he does seriously and professionally and that goes for the City Commission as well.

Ross makes it his business to understand every issue and the effects of city, county and state law on the issue, and how everything works together. When he makes a decision one way or the other on anything, I expect that he has researched it thoroughly. I feel like I don’t have to understand everything little thing that comes before the city, because he literally does that hard job for us. He has run a successful business for 10 years and he understands fiscal responsibility as well as investment and looking at the big picture to prepare us for the future. 

Perhaps the biggest reason I support Mr. Ambrose is that he is truthful, even when the truth is not what I want to hear. My example is that I emailed him about the proposed Bridlewood subdivision, coming out strongly against it. Like many in High Springs, I love our small town, and the surrounding open spaces. I don’t want the town to be swamped with traffic and see the beauty around us turn into South Florida-style crowding and sprawl. I want to protect the springs at all costs. I would be very happy to see zero new large-scale subdivisions here.

Ross took the time to email me back and carefully explain how the property that was Tillman Acres/proposed Bridlewood was zoned for crazy-dense zoning many years ago, and that the City can’t undo that and could be subject to a lawsuit if we tried. He was hoping to get the most palatable deal out of a bad situation.

He also told me about several other subdivisions: one along U.S.441, one adjacent to Bailey Estates, where the City had refused to allow an up-zoning to higher density for all the same reasons I state above.

I believe Mr. Ambrose wants to preserve the unique character of High Springs, but is also realistic in knowing you have to play the hand you were dealt.

I went to a candidate forum and one of the other candidates said High Springs needs better infrastructure before any new development is allowed. That sounds great but isn’t always possible, for reasons like the one above and the need to find funding for said infrastructure. I know that Ross Ambrose leaves no stone unturned in looking for funding sources aside from local tax revenue. The effort he puts into this job is Herculean.

Frankly I think we are extremely lucky to have such a dedicated, knowledgeable and hard-working commissioner. 

Stacey Breheny

High Springs, Florida

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An election will be held in High Springs on Nov. 7. There are two seats up for election. Since this is an odd-numbered year, the turnout will be poor. Every registered voter in the city needs to read up on the candidates; do the research to see what each is for, and vote.

Things have been running smoothly in the city for some time. Voting for someone merely because they are new is not a good idea.

Ross Ambrose and Gloria James do their homework, are knowledgeable and make decisions for all of High Springs. They are not driven by politics but by what they think is best for the city. For the good of the city, let’s keep them doing what they’ve done so well. Just remember that you need to vote.

Thomas R. Weller

High Springs, Florida

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This letter is to express my support for Steve Tapanes and Andrew Miller for City of High Springs Commissioner.

I have watched several of the commissioner’s meetings on line and have noticed on several occasions that although the audience is jammed with people who are concerned about certain issues, that their concerns seldom make a difference in the decisions made because the decisions appear to have been made prior to the meetings.

I would like to see new blood on the board of commissioners as I feel the incumbents get in a rut and although they claim to have the best interests of the citizens in mind some of them don’t seem to be listening. The newer members seem to be the ones listening.

Steve and Andrew both have businesses in High Springs and I feel their freshness would more closely represent the majority of citizens’ current views.

It’s time for a change, time for the younger generation to have a say in what happens for High Springs’ future. Vote Steve Tapanes and Andrew Miller.

Leah Currier

High Springs, Florida

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The High Springs Chamber of Commerce would like to send a special thank you to all our volunteers and local businesses who gave their time, talents, and treasures to bring our community together for the annual Fall Festival.

Please support these businesses and tell them thank you the next time you see them. Decades on Main & Renee;

Oliver & Dahlman; Thompson Flower Shop; The Birds Nest; High Springs Church of God; LifeSpring Church; Plantation Oaks Assisted Living & Memory Care; Dawn Cross, Photography; McDonald's in Alachua; Ronald McDonald House; Hardee's in High Springs; Hillary Cowart the Magic Man; Line Dancing Debbie; Bryan's Ace Hardware in High Springs; Winn-Dixie in High Springs; Fort White Garden & Produce; Jennifer Lee & Caleb Henderson, The Perfect Home; Troop 69, Boy Scouts; Willard's Restaurant & Lounge; BlueStar Grill; Nancy's Bake Shop; Chantels' Cakery; Station Bakery & Café; Tom & Sue Weller, Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe; High Springs Police Department; Aunt Lydia Springs, Cake; Louanne Rigano, Cake; Vella Miller, Ballon; Don Decker, Trains; Museum for being open during the Fall Festival hours

There are so many who came together to make this year's Fall Festival one our community will cherish for years to come.

I love our quaint little town with all its southern charm.

Sharon Decker

High Springs Chamber of Commerce

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Sgt. 1st Class Corey Walker (left) and Command Sgt. Maj. Robert Hosford fold a Florida flag that was presented to the 1153rd Finance Management Company to fly in Iraq. The unit will be headed to Fort McCoy, Wis., this week for additional training prior to deploying to Iraq.

Approximately 25 Soldiers from the Florida National Guard's 1153rd Finance Management Detachment were honored during a ceremony in St. Augustine, Nov. 10, 2010, prior to departing for their deployment to Iraq. The unit will provide financial assistance for Soldiers at forward operating bases near Baghdad, Iraq. For most of the Soldiers, this will be their first deployment overseas "We have a real young unit," said Sgt. 1st Class Corey Walker, the senior enlisted member of the detachment. "For a lot of people, this will be their first time going, but we're leaning on our veterans to push us through."  To prepare for the deployment, the Soldiers spent months conducting additional pre-mobilization training. The Soldiers will leave at the end of the week for additional training at Fort McCoy, Wis., prior to arriving in Iraq.

"We've gone through months of rigorous basic Soldiering training," said Walker. "We also went through extensive finance training to hone our finance skills at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin."  Family support was emphasized throughout the ceremony, with leaders at each level reassuring the families present that the Florida National Guard is committed to helping them while their Soldier is away.

"What I want you to remember is, the Florida National Guard is a family," said Lt. Col. Paul Chauncey, the commander of the 927th Combat Service Support Battalion. "We understand that it takes the strength of each and every one of you sitting out in this audience for these Soldiers to do their job."

"We recognize your sacrifice," Maj. Gen. Emmett R. Titshaw, The Adjutant General of Florida said to the families. "You are so much a part of what we do. We are there for you while your Soldier is gone. Please remember, we are only a phone call away."

At the unit level, a family support group is in place to provide support to families throughout the deployment. The group has held numerous events prior to the deployment to ensure that the families know each other and they know how to get in contact with each other if they have any issues.  The unit leadership expressed confidence in their Soldiers' training and their ability to accomplish the mission safely and effectively.

"We're real confident," said Walker. "We're sure we're going to go over there and do a good job and come back safe."

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The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration is encouraging CEOs of 14 major retail companies to take precautions to prevent worker injuries during Black Friday and the holiday season's other major sales events. Toward that end, OSHA has sent a letter and fact sheet on "Crowd Management Safety Tips for Retailers" to the CEOs.

In 2008, a worker was trampled to death while a mob of shoppers rushed through the doors of a large store to take advantage of an after-Thanksgiving Day Black Friday sales event. The store was not using the kind of crowd management measures recommended in OSHA's fact sheet, which is available online at

"Crowd-related injuries during special retail sales and promotional events have increased during recent years," said Assistant Secretary for OSHA Dr. David Michaels. "Many of these incidents can be prevented by adopting a crowd management plan, and this fact sheet provides retail employers with guidelines for avoiding injuries during the holiday shopping season."

The fact sheet provides employers with recommended elements for crowd management plans. Plans should include having trained security personnel or police officers on-site, setting up barricades or rope lines for pedestrians and crowd control well in advance of customers arriving at the store, making sure that barricades are set up so that the customers' line does not start right at the entrance of the store, having in place emergency procedures that address potential dangers, and having security personnel or customer service representatives explain approach and entrance procedures to the arriving public.

OSHA also recommends not allowing additional customers to enter the store when it reaches its maximum occupancy level and not blocking or locking exit doors.

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manatee-pictureNovember is Manatee Awareness Month, and for good reason. Florida manatees are on the move, seeking warm-water sites to spend the winter. That means boaters must be cautious and watch for Florida’s official marine mammal and for changing speed zones on waterways.

Manatees generally start traveling to warm water when the air temperature drops below 50 degrees or when the water temperature dips to 68 degrees. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) changes seasonal speed zone signs in mid-November on many waterways to accommodate manatee migration.

Boaters should scan the water near or in front of the boat, looking for swirls resembling a large footprint, a repetitive line of half-moon swirls, a mud trail, or a snout or fluke (tail) breaking the water’s surface. Kipp Frohlich, leader of the FWC’s Imperiled Species Management Section, said boaters can help manatees have a safe migration by staying in marked channels, wearing polarized sunglasses to improve vision, obeying posted boat speed zones, using poles, paddles or trolling motors when close to manatees, and having someone help scan the water when under way.

“If you think you see a manatee, give it plenty of room because it may not be alone,” Frohlich said. “It may have a calf or be traveling with other manatees.”

Besides slowing down and following the FWC’s recommendations, residents can help manatees survive by purchasing the manatee specialty license plate. The funds collected for these plates go directly into manatee research and conservation.

Winter (manatee-related) boat speed zone changes by county:


Brevard County: Nov. 15 - March 31

  • No-entry and motorboats-prohibited zones – North Indian River area around discharge canals of the Reliant Corp. Power Plant and Florida Power & Light’s Frontenac Power Plant.
  • Idle speed zone – West of Intracoastal Waterway in general vicinity of power plants.


Broward County: Nov. 15 - March 31

  • Idle speed Port Everglades Power Plant area, including part of the discharge canal. Portions of the South New River Canal and Dania Cut-off Canal near the Lauderdale Power Plant.
  • Slow speed Intracoastal Waterway from the Palm Beach County line through Hillsboro Inlet south to Burnham Point. (Note: Some portions are weekend-only slow speed.)


Citrus County:

  • Lower (western) portions of the Withlacoochee River and Bennetts Creek Sept. 1 - Feb. 28 – 25 mph.
  • Lower (western) portions of the Chassahowitzka River – Sept. 1 - March 31 – 25 mph.
  • Portions of Kings Bay – Sept. 1 - April 30 Idle speed or slow speed.
  • Portions of the Homosassa River between the Salt River and Trade Winds Marina and southern portion of Halls River – Oct. 1 - April 30 Slow speed.
  • All waters in the vicinity of the Florida Power Corp.’s effluent canal – Nov. 15 - April 30 Slow speed.
  • Within the Blue Waters area of the upper Homosassa River near Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park – Nov. 15 - March 31 – No entry.


Dade County: Nov. 15 - April 30

  • No entry – Portions of the Biscayne Canal, Little River and Coral Gables Canal.
  • Slow speed – Within portions of Meloy (or East) Channel and portions of the Intracoastal Waterway in Dumfoundling Bay and Biscayne Bay between Broad Causeway and Venetian Causeway.


Hillsborough County: Nov. 15 - March 31

  • No entry – Portions of the discharge canal of the TECO Power Plant in Apollo Beach.
  • Idle speed – General vicinity of the TECO Power Plant in Apollo Beach.


Indian River County:

  • Within Sand and Shell islands area, Channel Marker 66 south to Channel Marker 75; Indian River area from Hobert Lodge Marina to North Canal, and from Channel Marker 156 south to St. Lucie County line west of the Intracoastal Waterway Nov. 1 - April 30 Slow speed.
  • Portion of canal system adjacent to Vero Beach Power Plant – Nov. 15 - March 31 No entry.


Lee County: Nov. 15 - March 31

  • No entry – Discharge and intake canals of the Florida Power & Light Tice Power Plant.
  • Idle speed and slow speed – Portions of the Intracoastal Waterway channel on the Caloosahatchee River in the vicinity of the Tice Power Plant.
  • 25 mph – Portions of Estero Bay, Hurricane Bay, Hell Peckney Bay and Hendry Creek.
  • Seasonally unregulated – Cayo Costa, North Captiva, Captiva and St. James City areas.


Levy County:

§  Year-round no-entry zone - Manatee Springs State Park (manatee protection).


Palm Beach County:

§  Nov. 15 - March 31

§  Motorboats prohibited – Within general vicinity of Florida Power & Light Riviera Beach Power Plant discharge canals.

§  Slow speed – Outside the main channel in the Loxahatchee River, and in the north and southwest forks of the Loxahatchee River.

§  Idle speed and slow speed zones – Look for shore-to-shore speed zone changes north and south of Peanut Island near the Florida Power & Light Riviera Beach Power Plant.

§  Oct. 1 - May 31

§  25 mph – Portions of the Intracoastal Waterway channel between State Road 706 and Lake Worth, and south of Lake Worth to Broward County.


Sarasota County: Nov. 15 - March 15

§  No entry – Portion of Salt Creek and Warm Mineral Springs north of U.S. 41.


St. Lucie County:

§  Within Moore’s Creek – Nov. 15 - March 31 Motorboats prohibited.

§  Within Garfield Cut/Fish House Cove area – Nov. 15 - April 15 Slow speed.

§  Within Intracoastal Waterway channel between North Beach Causeway south to Channel Marker 189 and within the Shark Cut Channel in the Fort Pierce Inlet area – Nov. 15 - April 30 Slow speed.


Volusia County:

  • Portions of the Tomoka River and Spruce Creek – Sept. 1 - March 31 25 mph.
  • Oct. 15 - April 15

§  Blue Spring Run – Motorboats prohibited.

§  St. Johns River, south of Lake Beresford to Channel Marker 67 Slow speed.


Zone Definitions:

  • Idle speed (No wake) Lowest speed needed to maintain steering and make headway (speed used when docking a boat).
  • Slow speed (No excessive wake) – Fully off plane and completely settled in the water; not plowing.
  • Motorboats-prohibited zone – Entry is prohibited for any vessel being propelled or powered by machinery.
  • No entry – No vessels or other human-related activities allowed.
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alligatorbattleThe entire family will enjoy the annual Alligator Festival which celebrates the early history of Columbia County, before 1859, when Alligator Town was renamed Lake City. The event take place Oct. 29 - 31 from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Visitors will experience a Native American gathering with dancers, musicians, artisans and traders and a living history event including a reenactment of the September 1836 Seminole War Battle of San Felasco Hammock.  The event will feature the renowned FiddleWorks Keili Kids playing 19th Century American music; traditional Indian and Pioneer skills demonstrations; handcrafted and factory items; and food vendors as well as daily donation raffle drawings and fund raising auctions after the battle.

The park is located at 410 SE Oleno Park Road, High Springs.  From I-75 take exit #414 onto US-441 south, go about 5 miles and turn left onto SE Sprite Loop which is a frontage road. Take the first left onto Bible Camp Road and then a right into the O'Leno State Park entrance. GPS 29.54.55N x 82.34.52W. Visit for more information.

This event is free with paid park admission. For more information, call 386-454-1853.

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